3 minute read
Keeping Your Business Healthy
Can't exactly place some of this-we h",r.n't any pile that it just fits--so rve have uade a special bin to hold it. You'll perhaps find just the piece that your custonter wants-just the thought that meets your condition. It's just random.
A lot of trouble is caused b1' what the doctors call an "anaemic" condition-1un d6v/n-sort of weak and wobbly. It's very easy to GET INTO that shape and mighty hard and troublesome to GET OUT of it.
And unless you have the constitution to build on-you DON'T get out of it at all. It's another case of "Omit Flowers."
Same way with business. It's easy to get into slack habits, careless habits, BAD habits; and so hard to break them.
A little carelessness in loading a bill of lumber; encls get chipped and split. Or the stuff is unloaded on a wet or muddy place. Or you deliver a day or an hour or so
One such action unrloes many of the other kincl, and it is just as hard to get back the goocl graces of your customer as it rs to get back vour health once you have neg. lected it.
You have to keep cttnstant watcl-r o\rer your health-ancl 61161 yorlr business-to keep either front getting anaemic.
The best remcdy-or rather preveutative-for this condition is fresh air and exercise.
Superior Brand Oak Flooring
Is made from oak of fine texture and color, cut to correct thickness while green, thoroughly seasoned, skillfully kiln-dried, and properly cooled.
It Stays Put
Because it is not made from resawn lumber. Both sides have the same moisture content.
Manufactured by
Superior llak Flooring Company
Represented by
"America's Finest"
And those are just as good in your BUSINESS as for your BODY.
Fresh air, in business, means 'the cons'tant refreshing of your supply of oxygen-the life-giving principle; it means the constant securing of FRESH IDEAS-MODERN METHODS-NEW WAYS.
You can get the CONSTITUTION by constantly absorbing the FRESH AIR-and that foundation you must have or the first spell of sickness u'ill put you down and out.
And EXERCISE is just as essenrtial. Keep your business GOING, el'en if it doesn't go very much or fast. Keep the stuff coming in and going out-even if it's only by little jags-and keep your money moving the same lvav.
You know, "money," in the final analysis, is only the working power of a specific piece of paper 'or metal.
"Credit" is not "money." It is merely the belief rve have in what "cash-in-ithe-bank" is able to do rvhen it gets to work, added to our beliei that the possessor thereof WILL PUT IT TO WORK IN OUR BEHALF AND FOR OUR INTERESTS.
There is only just so much MATERIAL \{ONEY in existence, and that amount is regulated according to con<litions, as wiselv as the r.ninds 'of men can determine.
The only clifference between "money" and "materials" is in the CONVENIENCE wirth which each is handled.
Smith can exchange his labor for a house-or for "money," which in turn he can exchange for a house. But if he LOAFS, then he has nothing of value to exchange; and if his MONEY LOAFS, the condition is exactly the same.
And when the money you expect to receive in return for the GOODS YOU GIVE is loafing-when it is not working for YOU-when yotlr customer holds it out under the guise of an "open 2sg6qn1"-1hen your business suffers from lack of nourishment and becoures anaemic.
You know you don't HAVE to let any person get your goods without paying for them. YOUR GOODS and HIS MONEY are the two essential halves of the DEAL IN LUMBER. Each stands exactly upon the same footing.
Borth are THiNGS-and both are either EARNING or LOSING ('infglggf" or "profit" .or "hire" or "keep" or whatever you want to ,call it-every minute of the day.
When your customer wants $100 worth of lumber-give it to him in exchange for $1C0 in money.
If he wants $110 worth, add $10 more of LUMBER in exchange for that extra ten-spot.
If he wants $100 worth of lumber and $10 worth of TIME-give it to hifir-but GET $110 FOR WHAT YOU ARE SELLING HIM.
Put It In The Aict
"My house ought to be warm next winter."
"The painter g.ave it two s6315."-flchange.