1 minute read
By Jack. Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some less
She Was Scotch Too
You can't keep the Scotch stories ofi the ,,favorite', list. fhere are too many good ones. This one is worth while.
The old Scotch physician lay dying. For fifty years he had ministered to the sick and suffering, and now he was making the last dark trip, himself.
Almost with his last breath he whispered to his good wife who hovered tearfully over him-,,When f,m buried I want a name plate on my coffin."
Arthur Griswold Recovered
Arthur Griswold, manager of the San Francisco office of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Co., returned to his office Nov. 16, after having been confined to his home for three weeks as a result of an attack of bronchitis which developed into pneumonia.
"Ye shall have it," she replied. And the old doctor turned his face to the wall, and spoke no more.
On the morning of the funeral the passersby noticed that the polished plate that for many years had marked the door post of the doctor's horne, was missing; and as the pall bearers lowered the casket intothe grave, they read in clear type printing on the plate that topped the coffinANGUS ABERNATHY, M.D. OFFICE HOURS 9 TO 11 A.M.
_J._ Walter Kelly, district sales manager of the Chas. B. McCormick Co., Sar/ Francisco, .attended the ceremonies in connection with the driving of the last spike connecting the Western Pacific and Great Northern Rlilroads at Bie-ber, Calif., Nu,vernber 10.
"Red" Wood Scys.'
'rGlad to see you fixed that fence with Redwood-looks fine too--and you gave a hungry man work-Bully for you."
State Retailers' Annual
(Continued from Page 2l)
Pearce, Gerald M., Sunset Lumber Co. ...-.
Pearson, J. W., Redwood Manufacturers Co. Pittsburg
Penzotti, D. G., Peninsula Lumbermen's Club Palo Alto
Peil, F. K., San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club
Pinkerton, C. W., Whittier Lumber Co. ...
Pope, D. J., Sunset Lumber Co.
Prescott, F. Dean, Valley Lumber Co.
Ralph P. Duncan, Merced Lumber Co. ...
Rice, Joseph 8., San Rafael Lumber Co..
Robie, E. T., Auburn Lumber Co.
Robinson, G. W., Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. ...
Robinson, Mrs. G. W., Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.
Rogers, M. J., Sterling Lumber Co..... Penn Grove