2 minute read
1126 Weet 45th Street
Lor Angeler
Phonc: VErmont 3102 ttOtly the Piston movestt
Y, to 2-imch Drilling Capacity
Weights 1o to 2o lbs.
Priced at t100 andup.
HeGtf,fc Drltlc' All tlzce
Portable Grlnderr and Bench tyPer
Goncrete Surtacerr ttrend Fledble thaltr and Equlprnat
Electrlc Hand Sawr
Sandeg . Pollrhcrt . Buttcr3
If a job can be done with an electric tool-n'e have it
308 East 3rd St. MUtual 75O8 Lor Angeler TOOLS RENTED
This column of ,,wants,,
The Fellow Who Wants to Buv The Fellow Who Wanti to Sell
is for:
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: t2.s0 per cotumn r'nch The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Capable Lumberman
For Sale
Planing Mil,l Machinery for sale. All modern, new ! Xears ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Lc Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.
Bookkeeper Wanted
Wanted: Experienced Burroughs Machine Bookkeeper for a retail lumber yard in Northern California, town of 30OO people. Steady employment. Answer to this magazine if you qualify. Box C-415, California Lumber Merchant.
Wanted-A good lumber yard in exchange forfirst class Long Beach real estate. P.O. Box 36. Sierra Madre. California.
Young Lady Desires Position
Experienced stenographer, bookkeeper, r,vith knowledge of general office and detail work, five years .ivholesale lumber office, rapid, capable, desires position. Address Box C-418, California Lumber Merchant.
Experien'ced manager of retail yard, age 32, wants position. Last three years managing for chain yard concern. Also interested in wholesale selling. Address Box C-414, care California Lumber Merchant.
Married Man Desires Employment
Several years' experience Los Angeles lumber industry. Credit, Collections, Books, Properties. lfave auto. Honest, reliable and hard worker. Good references; will appreciate an interview. Address Box C-416, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumberyard For Sale
For sale, lumber yard in Santa Clara Valley near San Jose. Long term lease on site and buildings. Stocks and equipment only forsale. Mill machinery and shop to go with lease. $15,000.00 rvill handle. Has always been a money maker. For full information address Box C-417, California Lumber Merchant.
Planing mill, special and stock millwork, also store fixtures. Can draw up plans and specifications for residences, etc. Age 37. References. Address Box C-419, care California Lumber Merchant.
The office of the California Lumber Merchant is constantly receiting applications, from both men and women, desiring work with lumber concerns. Most of tfiese have had previous lumber e:rperience.
When you are in need of help of any kind, either office or yard, why not get the habit of calling us first and gtvins uE an opportunity to be of service to you as well as to tfiose needing employment? There is no charge with tlri" ser"ice, to employer or employee.
Long.Bell oak f,oodng bears, in addition to ito own name, the emblqm-SOFl-the brand of Southern Oak Flooring lo. dustries, anaesociation to promote fine flooring through advertis- / ing, research and co-opera. tion with retail lumber dealers.architectB, con tractor8 and i[di. vidul buildets.