7 minute read

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Rainy Seasons ls Approaching

Attended Convention

Ross, S. P., Central Lumber Co.

Ross, Mrs. S. P., Central Lumber Co. Hanford

Ruth, E. P., Reedley Lumber Co.

Sayre, F. L., Sterling Lumber Co.....

Schaffer, Chas., Citizens Lumber Co.....

Schaur, H. M., Good Lumber Co. ..-.. ..Tracy

Schaur, Mrs. H. M., Good Lumber Co.

Schoeneman, Virgil G., Citizens Lumber Co.

Shattuck, H. M., Shattuck Lumber Co.

Shifflett, W. M., Napa Lumber Co.,.

Shepard, J. H., Friend & Terry Lumber Co.

Shepard, Mrs. J. H., Friend & Terry Lumber Co. ......Sacramento

Smith, Earl W., Built-In-Fixture Co. ... ...Berkeley

Smilie, J. A., Smilie Lumber Co. ...Walnut Creek

Smith, Stuart C., Coos Bay Lumber Co. ... ......Bay Point

Snyder,W. F., Martin General Agency .......San Francisco

Spalding, W. R., W. R. Spalding Lumber Co. ... ...Visalia

Speer, C. L,Zenith Mill & Lumber Co...,. .......Oakland

Stapleton, Jas. A., Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. .........San Francisco

Steffensen, E., Orange County Lumbermen's Club ......Santa Ana

Stevens, Russ, A. F. Stevens Lumber Co. ..Heraldsburg

Stowe, C. E., Stowe-Lima Lumber Co. . Hayward

Stutz, J. H., Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. .........Stockton

Stutz, Mrs. J. H., Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. .....Stockton

Swift, G. W., Swift Lumber Co..... .....Oakland

Swift. Mildred. Swift Lumber Co..... ......Oakland

Thorning, Z. T., Gray-Thorning Lumber Co. ........Redwood City

Tilden, Wave, Tilden Lumber Co. ......Berkeley

Tillson, Warren S., The Modesto Lumber Co. ... ..Modesto

Todd, John, Western Door & Sash Co. ...Oakland

Tripler, C. S., San Francisco Retail Lumbermen ......San Francisco

Vaughan, Wm., Coos Bay Logging Co. ..........North Bend, Ore'.

Venn, James L., W. R. Spalding Lumber Co. ..........Porterville

Vincent. H. F., E. K. Wood Lumber Co. ..........San Francisco

Wagner, Daniel R., Wagner Lumber Co. Santa Barbara

White, Earl E., Fresno Lumbermen's Club .Fresno

Whitmer, Fred A., Monterey Lumbermen's Club Pacific Grove

Wilson. O. V.. Central Lumber Co. ..--. ...Stockton

Hundreds ol rales will be made by Weaver- Henry dealers during the next three monthr. Credit the heavy rainy season lor a great rool selling oppoilunity. Our dealers are Pr€prred to take lull advantage. Equipped with new shingle designr and colors, handling one ol the most popular, relirble roof ang brandg on the Coast,they are bound to pile up welcome but unerpcctcd prolits. Weaver-Hcnry productt have cfwrys been "best sellerct'.

--n{ood., Geo. W., Wood Bros. Co..... ...Santa Cruz

Woods, R. S. ...'.San Diego

Woods, Mrs, R. S. ... 'San Diego

'Woodson, L. J., Nicolai Door Sales Co. '..San Francisco

Woodward. W. C.. Cotati Lumber Co..

Wrisht, Chas., San Anselmo Lumber Co.......

Wright, J. F., Brey-Wright Lumber Co. ...

Yaniy, J. H., Yaniy Lumber Co. ...

Red River Lumber Co. Ships "Prosperity Special"

of 171 Cars

Inaugurating freighttraffic over the Western PacificGreat Northern connecting line in their new transcontinental route from the Northwest to $re E4st, the Red River Lumber Company on November 16dispatched a "prosper- ity special" of. l7l cars of lumber and manufactured products from Westwood, California.

Twenty-one states are represented,in this shipment: California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Arizona, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, 'Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, New Hampshire and Tennessee.

This is the largest shipment of forest products ever assembled in one movement by a single manrifacturer. The cars contained lumber and building material such as sash, doors and veneered products to meet current demands of the building trade.

This long train left Westwood immediately after the northbound special passenger trains, containing officials and guests for the celebration of the driving of the golden spike at Bieber on November 1O, had pa'ssed Westwood.

"The movement of this unusual volume of lumber products at.this time demonstrates confidence on the part of dealers," said President Willis I. Walker of the Red River Lumber Company, "and indicates that conditions have stabilized and that a considerable volume of building, hitherto postponed, will now proceed."

"The use of lumber products carries with it utilization of materials from a wide range of industries. This gives ernployment not only in construction but in the manufacture and distribution of various other collateral materials. It is hoped that the confidence which we lumbermen feel will be communicated to building investors."

Do You Know That

We have at Oakland, available for immediate rhipment, in carload lotr or truck d'elivery:

Joins A. L. Hoover's Sale iaff

E. W. (Eddie) Gould is now associa ver and is covering the Los Angeles h A.L. Hoooutlying territory. lfe was formerly a sales representative for the L. W. Blinn Lumber Co. of Los Angeles and before coming to California had wholesale lumber experience at Kansas City.

D. E. Holcomb has also joined Mr. Hoover's sales staff and is calling on the retail trade in the San Diego district and part of the "Kite" territory. Mr. Holcomb was formerly with the Little River Redwood Co. at their mill operations at Crannell, Calif.

George Melville, who was associated with Mr. Hoover for the past several years, has resigned. Mr. Melville has not announced his plans for the future. Mr. lloover represents the Pacific Lumber Company and the WendlingNathan Co. in Southern California with offices in the Standard Oil Building, Los Angeles.

Making Plant lmprovements

The Pacific Fruit Package Company, Raymond, 'Wash., are making a number of changes in their plant to improve their manufacturing facilities. A suction tunnel dryer designed and furnished by the Moore Dry Kiln Company of North Portland, Oregon, is being added to the present battery ofdryers. Additional dry storage is also being provided for accommodating seasoned stock.

This company specializes in the manufacture of Rotary Cut fruit and vegetable packages from Sitka Spruce stock exclusively. O. W. Crandall is manager.

Gry Willis Merwin

Guy Willis Merwin, 57, manager of the Newman Lumber Co., Newman, and the Patterson Lumber Co., Patterson, died at Newman November 7, after an illness lasting several weeks.

Mr. Merwin started in the lumber business in Chicago, and had spent most of his business life in Newman, where he first managed the lumber business of Everett & Newman, later known as the Everett Lumber Co., and after its sale to the Santa Fe Lumber Co. as the Newman Lumber Co. For several years past he has also managed the Patterson Lumber Co.

He was a Mason and an Oddfellow, and for the past two terms rvas a grammar school trustee. lle was a native of Iowa, and is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mae Merwin; two daughters, Mrs. Mildred Crist of Los Angeles and Mrs. Ruth Smith of Patterson, and one son, Willis Merwin, a student in San Francisco.

Lath Shingles



Sash & Doors


\We specialize in supplying out of towrl yards, and can give overnight delivery.

May we quote you on your next tequirements?

Reverse Advice Difficulties Build Character

"Go and sin some more," said the editor. of the Confes- No doubt a world in which matter never got sions Magazine to the young author from whom he had and became dirt, in which iron had no faws,l just bought a story.


of place wood no cracks, in which gardens had no weeds food grew ready cooked, in which clothes never ing was as easy as the adverti out and washbe it, in which

Good Advice

They were in the front line trenches during the great war and in the midst of a general bombardment from the enemy. Death dropped on every side.

"Mose," said Rastus, "Is you sca'ed lak I is?"

"B,oyr" said Mose, ttltse plum sca'ed to death."

"You'se a preachah at home, ain't you?"


"Then why don't you pray?"

"It ain'tno use," said Mose, solemnly, "deLawd He don't listen to no sca'ed praye's."

Wisdom From Hoover

"Governments know that the life of the world cannot be saved if the soul of the world is allowed to be lost.,'

-Herbert Hoover.

A Wayside Vision

And if at the end we are really dead, And we sleep without waking, nor wake againAnd the tramp of the centuries overhead Shall leave us untouched by their joy and pain; And it never can matter to you or me

How the sun shines out and the shadows fallIs it not enough how we came to be A part of the love that encompasseth all?

Is it not a path 'twere well to have trod

To have lived one life, and looked on God?

-Clara K. Raber.


"With one stroke of the brush," said the school teacher, "Rembrandt could change a smiling face into one lined with frowns."

"My ma can do that," said little Willie.

easier place to live in. development it would purpose of training and nothing at all. It is the resistance that puts our mettle; it is the conquest of the reluctant stuff t educates the worker. I wish you difficulties keep you well and make you strong and skillful.- Van Dyke.

The educated man is the rnyffi certain subtle quali- the right word was not hard to and rules had no ex- ties which make him calm iy'adversity, happy when alone, ception, and things never would be a much just in his dealings, ratiqf5l and sane in the fullest meaning of the word in a! affairs of life.-Ramsay MacDonald.


They told her that an effort was being made to revive Shakespeare, and she said, "Oh, was he at the party too?"

MY TOWN children are ed

; where my vote is cast; where my where my neighbors dwell and recreation, morals, and the rights Therefore I should believe in my FortWorth Rotograph. a free born American. .and work for it.-

My town is my business is place where my home is founded; where where my life is My town has a right to my civic loyalty. It md as I must support it. My town wants my citi not rny partisanship; friendship, not offishness; not dissension; sympathy, not criticism; intelligent not indifference. My town supplies me with law and order] ade, friends, education, TREES (Close to highways)

I think that I shall never see Along the road an unscraped tree, With bark intact, and painted white, That no car ever hit at night. For every tree that's near the road Has caused some auto to be towed. Sideswiping trees is done a lot By drivers that are not so hot. God gave them eyes so they could see Yet any fool can hit a tree.-Judge.

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