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A. C. MERRYMAN. AdverticiDg Mmgcr I
San Francisco Housing Drive October Building Activity in Passeg $9,ooo,ooo Mark
Announcement was made in San Francisco on Novetnber 24 that the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Better Housing Program had passed the $9,000,000 mark. This total is made up of nearly 9,000 pledges.
In making the announcement, Chairman Frederick H. Meyer, of the Executive Committee, stated that in checking up on 370 pledges it was found that 114 jobs had been completed, and that 101 modernization jobs were in progress while in 87 other instances work would be started within a short time.
Oakland Better Housing Campaign
At the end of the eighth week of the Oakland Better Housing Campaign the campaign committee reported November 19 that over $1,000,000 had been put into 'circulation in Oakland through improvement and repair work actually started. This total was made up of $250,000 in National Housing Act loans and the balance in cash and extension of trust deeds.
At this date the 220 SERA canvassers had completed about 50 per cent of the survey of Oakland's improvement and repair needs.
Since the start of the survey the canvassers had visited 32,486 buildings. Owners of.7,4ll assured them that they contemplated modernization.
The actual and contemplated work on these buildings divided itself into 15,045 jobs which spread over 18 different classifications from carpentry to miscellaneous. Paintiug jobs numbered 5,686, leading all others. The other jobs included papering 1,913, roofing 1082, plumbing 742, flooring 416, alterations 653, additions 544 and mis,cellaneous rMt.
Western States
Jack Dionne Goes on the Air
R. G. Hyett of Houston, Secretary of the Lumbermen's Association of Texas, has announced that Jack Dionne will broadcast over a radio hook-up in Texas and Oklahoma every Tuesday evening at 6:15 P.M.
This radio program, "The Friendly Builders' Hour," is sponsored by the retail lumber dealers of Texas and Oklahoma, and directed through the associations of both states. It is intended to stimulate and develop interest in building, repairing and remodeling. Twenty weekly broadcasts stiil remain on the Associations' program. Mr. Hyett's announ,cement follows:

Radio And Jack Dionne
Here's something you can really brag about, and, when you tell your friends and customers, from nol on they will never miss a Dealers' Radio Program.
Starting this ,coming Tuesday, at 6:15 p.m., over stations WFAA, WOAI, KPRC in Texas; WKY, KVOO and KCRC in Oklahoma, JACK DIONNE, Publisher of the Gulf Coast Lumberman, and the best short story teller anywhere, will appear on the program to entertain your customers with his witticisms and stories. With this completion, one of the main hopes of the'Radio Committee has been fulfilled. You dealers now have a program that will be second to none on the air.
Proposes Larger Executive Committee
Washington, D. C., Nov. 20.-The Code Authority for the retail lumber, lumber produ'cts, building materials and building specialties trade has proposed to increase the membership of the Executive Committee from five to seven, and to increase the number of Code Authority members at large from two to three. Suggestions or objections to the proposals must be submitted before December l0 to Deputy Administrator Frank A. Hecht, Washington
The larger Executive Committee is expected to handle matters which now require the time and expense of a full Code Authority meeting. Its membership is to be chosen by the Code Authority on a flexible regional basis. In general, its membership is to represent the North East, the South East, the North ,central region, the North West central region, the northern portion of the Middle \Mest, the South West. and the West Coast.
Construction Starts on $eOrOOO
Stockton Lumber Terminal
Construction was started November 2O on the nerv wholesale shipside lumber terminal to be established at Stockton by the Santa Fe Lumber Co. of San Francisco. It is expected that the terminal will be in operation by January 1.
Listen in on the California Redwood Association's Home Building and Modernization Ptogram, heard over KGO each Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. The purpose of this progrdm is to stimulate the public's interest in home buildins and mod ernizing.