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NRA to Hold Hearing on Elim- Central Valley Club Elects ination of Cost Protection Prices in \(/est Coast Division
Washington, D. C., Nov. 16.-The National Industrial Recovery Board today notified the Lumber Code Authority that it will hold a public hearing in Washington, December 1.1, on the appeal of a group of lumber operators in the West Coast Division from the action of the Authority in Chicago, October 5, rejecting their application for the elimination of minimum cost protection price regulations in the West Coast Division.
The appeal to NRA was supported by the Trustees of the West Coast Division in a resolution adopted October 30.
David T. NIason, executive ofticer of the Lumber Code Authority, announced that a special meeting will be convened in Washington, December 10, and continue in session throughout the NRA hearing. At the end of the hearing the Authority will adopt such resolutions and recotnmendations to NRA on the subject matter of the hearing as appear appropriate in the light of facts presented at the Authority's meeting and at the NRA public hearing.
The Code meetings have been timed to follorv the meeting of the directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association in Chicago, December 6,7 and 8.
In addition to other matters, the special meeting of the Authority next month will consider a number of proposed amendments to the Lumber Code by-la'ivs.
Officers at Annual Meeting
Chas. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton, was elected president of the Central Valley Lumbermen's Club at the annual meeting of the club held at the Hotel Clark, Stockton, November 22.
Warren Tillson, Modesto Lumber Co., Modesto, was elected vice-president; W. O. Mashek, United Lunrber Yards, Modesto, was elected treasurer, and T. L. Gardner, Stockton, was elected secretary.
The executive committee is as follows: Stockton district. Chas. G. Bird and W. Elmer Bruce; Lodi district, L. H. Elliott ; Sonora district, A. R. Martin; Oakdale district, Charles C. Moorehead; Modesto district, W. O. Mashek; Turlock district, Warren S. Tillson; Newman district, John Yancey; Tracy district, A. J. Russell.
Return From Eastern Trip
T. B. Lawrence, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, accompanied by Mrs. Lawrence, returned on November 17 after a six weeks' trip spent in the East. They left Los Angeles on September 17 by rail for Kansas City rvhere Mr. Lawrence purchased a new automobile and frorn there they continued their trip on to the Atlantic Coast by auto. Among the rnany cities visited were St. Louis, Chicago, Detroit, Louisville, Washington, D. C., Philadelphia, Reading. New York, Albany and Boston. The return trip from Nerv York was made on the S. S. California bv wav of the Panama Canal.