3 minute read
California Building Permits ]or October
Get Limit of \(/ild Turkey D. J. Young Appointed Wheeler Osgood
When autumn rolls around and the mountain air has the old trvang to it, many lumbermen like to hike off into ttre hills, pitch camp, and do some huntitg. That's what Charlie Henry did the latter part of October and in the accompanying photograph you see him with his limit of rvild turkey. Charlie represents C. D. Johnson .Lumber Corporation in Arizona.
With him en the trip were Bill Killen, Foxworth-Killen Lumber Co., Tucson; John Sundt, Tucson contractor; and Francis Pool, E. K. Wood Lumber Company's Arizona representative. They spent several days in the mountains near Clifton, Ariz., and all got the limit.
Attend Sales Meeting
Floyd Elliott, manager of the San Francisco branch of Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co.; P. W. Chantland, manager, and Ray Klots, salesman at the Los Angeles office, left at the end of last week to attend a sales meeting at the company's head office in Montesano, Wash.
Gcneral Manager
The appointment of Daniel J. Young as Vice-President and General Manager of Wheeler Osgood Sales Corporation has been announced by Alexander Baillie, president. He will make his headquarters at the company's Tacoma factory but plans to spend a large portion of his time at the San Francisco, Chicago and New York offices.
Mr. Young, an engineer by profession, has had a widely varied experience in plant operation and corporation management. During the past few years he has been doing special work of this character for the Bank of California, He has become well known in the industry through business associations and his more than 20 years of residence in Tacoma, Washington.
The directors of the company have expressed their belief that D. J. Young will materially strengthen the organization and will be a constructive and beneficial factor in the door and plywood industries. Mr. Young has the unusual distinction of having received the Walton Clark Gold Medal from the Franklin Institute of Pennsylvania, presented in recognition of notable scientific contribution in the Gas Industry.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Geib announce the arrival of a baby boy, named Henry Amos Jr., born at the Monte Sano Hospital, Los Angeles, on November 2. Mr. Geib is head of the Geib Lumber Company at Huntington Park, Calif.
On Eastern Trip
William Rempel, Rempel Lumber & Building Material Co., South Gate, and family, left recently for Chicago. I\fr. Rempel will buy a new automobile in Detroit and they will drive back to the Coast.
Vhen You Sell
Booth-Kelly Douglae Fir, thc Aglociation gradc ancl tradc mark certify to your customcrl thc quality of the atock you handlc. Buildcra gurt guelcrng about what they're buying, and buy whcre ttrey know what thcy'rc getung.
George N. Ley, 58, president and general manager of the Santa Cruz Lumber Co., Santa Cruz. He had been ill for some time and suffered an automobile accident in July.
Mr. Ley was chairman of the Santa Cruz County board of supervisors since l9D, and rvas closely identified with every highway improvement in the County in the past 25 years.
Ife was born in Santa Cruz and began his career in the lumber industry when, as a young man, he rvent into the split products business with Hyman Steen as partner.
He was a past president of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club and the California Lumbermen's Council.
Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Maybelle Ley, a daughter, Maybelle, and two sons, Donald and Lester Ley.
J. Herman Bjornstad, 60, proprietor of the Lemon Grove Lumber Company, Lemon Grove, Calif., died NovemLrer 8, following a heart attack.
He had been in the lumber business in San Diego almost continuously since 1911 when he started the Dixie I-umber Company. In 1928 he sold his interest in this company, and in 1931 purchased the Lemon Grove Lumber Company. He was a past president of the North Park Business Men's Club, also of the County Development League and the Lemon Grove Chamber oi Commerce. Mr. Bjornstad was a man of sterling character and he had a wide circle of friends.
He is survived by his widow, Dagmar; two daughters, Mrs. Marjorie Arnold and Mi'ss Ruth Helen Bjornstacl, and his mother, Mrs. Anna Bjornstad of St. Paul, Minn.
Funeral services were held on November 10.
Mrs. Beriha E. Hubner, wife of L. C. Hubner, head of the L. C. Hubner Lumber Company, Montebello, Calif., passed away suddenly N,ovember 12 alter a short illness. She r,r'as 55 years of age.
John wisn"-,