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carir., pioneer family, and vice-president of the Wisnom Lumber Co., San Mateo, passed away at his home in Hillsborough suddenly, as the result of a heart attack, November 4.

He was born in San Mateo 66 years ago and was one of the outstanding business figures of the town. He was the founder of the Wisnom Lumber Co.. in which he was associated with his cousin, James Wisn'om, president of the company. He was a director in the National Bank of San Mateo and maintained an active interest in its affairs. He was affiliated with the Masonic Order, being a member of the Knights Templar and the Shrine.

Mr. Wisnom was a great traveler, having covered hundreds of thousands of miles in travel around the world.

He is survived by three brothers, Robert J., Samuel A., and David Wisnom; two sisters, Mrs. Anna I. Wisnom and Mrs. Jennie D. Elfving; two stepsons, Howard Brorvn and William Brown, and two stepdaughters, Mrs. I)orothy Whittington and Mrs. Marian Smith.

Mrs. Hub,ner lvas born in Chicago, and lived in \fontana for twenty years lvhere Mr. Hubner was engagecl in the lumber business, before coming to Southern California.

Besides her husband, she is survived by a s,on, Lewis, rvho is associated rvith his father in business, and a daughter, Mrs. Jean Thomas.

Funeral services were held November 14.


Albert Westbrook "Bert" Middleton, president of the Anderson & Middleton Lumber Co., Aberdeen, 'W'ash., died at his home in Aberdeen on November 12. He was one of the most prominent of the Grays Harbor pioneers, having become associated with the Anderson & Middleton mill since 1898.

Ife was graduated from the University of Michigan with the class of '86.

He is survived by t'wo sons, Edward and Charles Middleton of Aberdeen; two daughters, Mrs. Charles Gibson and Mrs. Allen Church, and seven g'randchildren. Ffd rvas 75 years of age.

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