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By lach Siaatp

Age not guaranteed---Somc I have told ]or 20 years---Somc Less

He Got His California Spelling Slishtly Mixed

One of the old favorite California stories is that of the illiterate Chicago Jew who spent his vacation there one summer. The ttrought occurred to him on this trip that if he could manage to mechanically learn to spell the names of some of the outstanding resorts of California he might stagger his friends with his knowledge when he returned. So he set out to accomplish this educational feat, and each of the resort cities he went to, he had someone teach him with much practice and effort to spell the name of the place. It was entirely mechanical, but he got so he could handle the job in fine shape. So the first chance he got when he returned to Chicago and found himself in a crowd

Happy Event

W. W. (Bill) Blattner, salesman for California Builders Supply Co., Sacramento, has been passing out cigars to his friends on account of the recent arrival of a baby boy, Robert Rollins.

When You Sell

Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certifu to your customerg the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit gueseing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.

of friends (all of whom knew he had never been able to read or spell), was to try his hand at his new accomplishment.

"You would never belief," he said to them, "how funny dey spell some of de names of dem California towns. Fer instance, how do you suppose dey bronounce Y-O-S-EM-I-T-E?"

And very promptly one of his friends said:

"I'd call dot Yo-some-ite."

And the traveler, triumphantly replied:

"Yo-some-ite Hll! Dot's SAN LUIS OBISPO!"

Use Redwood On Defense Housing

.Approximately 250 feet of No. 2 Common Redwood was used for the skirting on each of the 1692 units of the defense housing project for Mare Island Navy Yard workers at Vallejo, Calif.





II you require quick dependoble service, coll "Colif. Pcrnel" when you need plywood. We hove <r lorge, well diversified, quolity stock of hqrdwood ond softwood plywoods olwoys on hqnd for your convenience.

General Sales Ofrce: Eugene, Ore.

Mills: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Ore.

Lumbermen's Hi-Jinks December 5

There will be a big turnout at the Lumbermen's Hi-Jinks which will be held at the Royal Palms Hotel, 360 South Westlake Ave., Los Angeles, Friday evening, December 5, 1941, the committee reports. A fine show of ten acts will feature highclass singing, dancing and vaudeville numbers. The Hi-Jinks is very popular with the lumber fraternity, and it is a regular old fashioned home-coming for the lumbermen where all have a fine time. Lumbermen from all sections of Southern California will be there. The party is sponscired by Lumbermen's Post No. 403 of the American Legion.

Tickets, which include both dinner and the floor show, are $2.50 each and can be secured from members of the Arrangements Committee. Dinner will be served at 7:0O p.m.

The Arrangements Committee includes: Lloyd Cole, Hammond Redwood Company; Louis Fox, Blue Diamond Corporation; Russell Gheen, C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation; Leo Hubbard, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co.; P. T. Lyons, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co.; William McCullough, McCullough Roofing Co.; D. J. MacDougall, MacDougall Door & Plywood Co.; J. W. Mcleod, Cadwallader-Gibson Co.,Inc. ; George Melville, South Sound Lumber Sales, Inc.; Stanley Moore, Fir-Tex of Southern California; Val Nygard, Blue Diamond Corporation; Carl Schreiber, Northwestern Mutual Fire Association; Theodore Stearns, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co.; E. M. Taenzer, American Hardwood Co.; Andrew Foster, California Portland Cement Co.;Waldo Gillette,M,onolith Portland Cement Co.; M. A. Alexander, Paramount Pictures, Inc.; Fred Morehouse, Anglo California Lumber Co., and Stuart Smith. Fountain-Smith.

Puts In Handling Yard At Harbor

E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, recently established a new handling yard at Wilmington for Philippine Mahogany. The yard is located at Berth 176. Ralph Hopey is in charge. The equipment includes an electric crane and a carrier.

Ten Years Ago Today

From Decen\er 1, 1931 lssue

Lloyd llarris, San Francisco, gave a talk on Redwood, illustrated by motion pictures, before the Rotary Club at Calistoga, November 19, on the invitation of Jim Clark of the Calistoga Lumber Co. He also talked on the same subject to the Lions Club of Sausalito, November 25, on the invitation of Harold Bromlev of the Marin Lumber & Supply Co.

Trade promotion, relative importance of lumber and side lines, trucking, the new contractor's license law, credits and collections and legislation were among the subjects discussed by the speakers at the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association at the Hotel Oakland, Oakland, November l9-2O-2I.

J. Walter Kelly, San Francisco, attended the ceremonies in connection with the driving of the last spike connecting the Western Pacific and Great Northern Railroads at Bieber, Calif., November 10.

Inaugurating freight traffic over the Western PacificGreat Northern connecting line in their new transcontinental route from the Northwest to the East, the Red River Lumber Company dispatched a "prosperity special" of. l7l cars of lumber and manufactured products from Westwood, Calif. This is the largest shipment of forest products ever assembled in one movement by a single manufacturer, and twenty-one states were represented in this shipment.

Arthur Twohy, Los Angeles, who is a collector of old automobiles, had one of his ancient cars, a White steamer, 1911 model, in service on November 21 when he drove two of his friends to Santa Barbara. They were not out to break any speed records but made the trip in four hours.

The eighth annual convention of the Millwork Institute of California was held at the Hotel Oakland, Oakland, November i9-20. Addresses by well known architects were features of the convention.

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