1 minute read


Tardy of E. J. Los Angeles Stanton & Son, recently from a

W. D. (Bill) Dunning, Los Angeles, sales representative of L. J. Carr & Co., Sacramento, recently traveled to Northern California to call on the firm's sawmill connections.

C. W. Buckner, sales engineer, Harbor Plywood Corporation, Hoquiam, Wash., left San Francisco November 4 for Hoquiam after visiting San Francisco and Los Angeles on business.

G. R. Hackett, president of Robertson & Hackett Sawmill Co., Vancouver, B. C., called on San Francisco wholesalers last week on his way home from an Eastern trip.

Prelcbricqted to Iit cny pitch rool up to 10/12 without cutting.

Southern Ccrlilornic Distributors

Licerxed by V-Way Shingle Products, Inc. Under U. S. Pateflt 2259962 WE AISO CARRY A COMPI.ETE STOCK OF RED CEDAR SHAKES AND SHINGI.ES.

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