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Fisk a Mason lnc. Exclusive Distributors lo. "Longlyle"
Hip and Ridge Units in Southern Calilornia
Retail lumber dealers in Southern California will be interested to know that Fisk & Mason Inc. of 855 El Centro Street, South Pasadena, California, r,vell known wholesale distributors of shingles and shakes, have been licensed by the V-Way Shingle Products Inc. of Los Angeles to distribute exclusively in Southern California all "Longlyfe" Hip and Ridge units manufactured here under U. S. patent number 2259962. This announcement was made by Hugh W. Mason, president of Fisk & Mason Inc., who further states that during the interim that the patent was pending quite a number of small manufacturers were making and distributing a product of similar nature with no particular discrimination betlveen wholesale, retail and consumer sales. This has had a tendency to create a somewhat chaotic condition in the distribution of "Longlyfe" Hip and Ridge units which will be rectified in the immediate future, and all of these manufacturers have now been notified that any and all infringements of the patent will be severely dealt with, says Mr. Mason.
In speaking of this product Mr. Mason continues, the "Longlyfe" Hip and Ridge unit is so beveled and clipped together with two clips of coppered wire that it comes assembled to fit any pitch roof up to lO/12 inches, the units are designed for application to Hips and Ridges and wiil eliminate the old ax method of hand trimming and fitting each shingle for the Hip and Ridge. The pack has now been standardized at forty units per bundle which will lay sixteen and two-thirds feet at 5 inches weather exposure or fifteen feet at 4l inches weather exposure. The saving in time, as well as material, effected by the use of these units make a substantial reduction in the cost of a roof and at the same time makes a more permanent and water-tight job.
Herbert L. Owen of Los Angeles, California, originally applied for this patent on February 3, 194A, and the value of same, based on the saving of time and material, was immediately seen by Fisk & Mason Inc. and steps were taken at that time to handle this product in Southern California. One would have thought that the unit, being entirely new to the trade, would have been somewhat hard to merchandise at the start, however, the trade's re-action was immediate and the sale of the units has gone forward in leaps and bounds, not only in Southern California where it was started, but throughout the entire United States, states Mr. Mason. He firmly believes that the time is not fai off when practically every house which is roofed with red cedar shingles will also use the "Longlyfe" Hip and Ridge unit.
W. B. Hardy of Anaheim, California, has also been licensed by the V-Way Shingle Products Inc. to manufacture all "Longlyfe" Hip and Ridge units distributed in Southern California bv Fisk & Mason Inc.
Announcement was made November 15 by Frost Snyder, president of the Clear Fir Lumber Co., Tacoma, manufacturers of doors and plywood, that the company's plant and inventories had been sold to a new corporation, the Clear Fir Products Co., headed by H. E. Tenzler, J. H. Gonyea and associates. The operation was taktn over by the new concern on November 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Toohey are the happy parents of a daughter born at the Hollywood Hospital on November 24. Mrs. Toohey is the daughter of Arthur E. Twohy, Twohy Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and Arthur is rvearing a broad smile these days as he is now a grandfather.
Nawg Flashes
Herb Klass, assistant to the president of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, left November 20 for a business trip to the East which will include visits to the New York and Chicago ofifices.
Miss Ella Moore of Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland, made a business and pleasure trip to Eugene, Ore. during Thanksgiving week.
Frank Dupont, assistant sales manager, Pickering Lumber Co., Standard, Calif., was a business visitor to the San Francisco Bay district last week.
Taylor L. Sublett, San Francisco, was vember.
salesman for Higgins Lumber a Los Angeles visitor early in Co., No-
Russell Baker, Decorah, Iowa, wholesale lumberman, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few days visiting lumbermen friends. Mr. Bakef used to be associated with the Redwood Sales Co.
Ray Hill, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., and B. L. Adams, Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, Los Angeles, have returned from a trip to Mexico where they enjoyed some fine fishing. Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Adams accompanied them.
W. J. "Jack" Ivey, Los Angeles, field representative for the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau will spend the month of December in Seattle, Wash. He will attend the annual meeting of the Bureau.
Jerome Higman, and his son, Herb, Reliable Lumber Co., Rosesmead, have returned from a ten-day hunting trip.
Deats Sash & Door Co., Los Angeles, are constructing a new lumber shed.
LeRoy Stanton and Joe Los Angeles, returned to business trip to Arizona.