1 minute read


America Loans 7 MiIIion NEW H0IUES To Victory

This is iust cnother way of stcting thclt Americcn lumber mi[s this yecr cre producing 34 billion bocrd leet of lumber. Hclf ol this vcrst crmount is being used ior crcrting vitsl wqr shipments clone. The bclqnce is needed crlmost in its entireiy lor other phcrses of the wqr effort.

However, Americq has not lost 7,000,000 new homes lor crll time. Instecrd, they hcve iust been locrned to Victory. For clthough timber is being cut crt cn cccelercted rcte, due to the fcrsighted mcncrgement of responsible lumber compcnies, crdequcte provisions hcrve been tcrken to insure crn crmple supply of lumber lor tomorrow.

We at Pope & Tclbot, Inc., qlthough now engcrged in the production ol lu'nber lor wcr, will crgcrin devote our milts to serving you when peace comes. We will mcrke every endecvor to supply you with the lumber needed to obtcrin your shcre oI the ncrtion's postwcr building progtdrt.

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