2 minute read


That is whct this truck skinner is doing when he removes rocks lrom the trecds oI his ducl tires. Vigilcnce and core frolong the IiIe oI precious rubber. II the guns roll to Berlin and Tokyo logs must roll on milecae won lrom old tires.



Opens Lumber Export Ollice In Los Angeles

Joe A. Bugley started in the lumber export and imPort business for himself recentlY, operating as the Pan American Sales Co. with offices at 430 Petroleum Building, Los Angeles, Calif. The telephone number is Rlchmond 3408.

New Sources of Lumber

The November 1944 issue of the Reference Book of the Lumbermen's National Red Book Service is just off the press. It is the 126th issue of the book, which is a semiannual consolidation of that service's twice-a-week bulletin of changes in the lumber and woodworking industries.

Lumbermen's Credit Association Inc., Chicago 5, publishers of this service, advise that as compared with the issue of six months ago, there are dozens of newly listed sawmills, some of which are brand new sources of lumber, others are mills which have resumed.

Joe A. Bugley

For the past four years Joe has been selling lumber to the retail dealers in Baja California, Mexico. Recently he "planed" to Washington, D. C. to discuss the lumber and lumber products quotas for Mexico with the officials of the Foreign Economic Admin- istration and War Production Board. Following extensive correspondence, which included contacts in Mexico City, export license for sizable quantities of Douglas Fir, mostly low grades, were issued to carry on the various irrigation, railroad and industrial projects now under construction across the border. Joe advises that Baja California's normal requirements are between twelve and fifteen million feet of Douglas Fir per year.

Appointed Mcrncrger ol Gypsun Production Opercrtions

Ora Fowler Grieve has recently been appointed manager of Gypsum Production Operations of The Celotex Corporation, it is announced by C. G. Muench, Celotex vice president in charge of operations. He will make his headquarters at the Celotex Port Clinton, Ohio, plant.

Mr. Grieve, a native of Fowlerville, Michigan, was formerly with the Certain-teed Products Corporation in a similar capacity.


The WPB permits the use of copper in the manufacture of various plumbing fixture fittings and trim, including float rods, flushometers, single and combination faucets, and shower heads and arms. (Schedules 4 and 5, as amended to Order L-42,\ issued Nov. 13.

For the past 68 years, the lumber industry and other industries marketing through retail lumber dealers or selling to wood working factories have used this service as one of their guides in credit and collection work. They have also found that as an aid in sales promotion and as a guide to sources of lumber and allied products there is nothing as good.

Architectural Competition

More than 700 inquiries have already been received by the sponsors for the $2500 "Arts & Architecture-United States Plywood Corporation Architectural Competition" for "America's ideal postwar small home for the average family."

Last year's competition drew more than 500 entries from all over the country and some 'from foreign lands. First prize is $1250.

Results of the competition will be offered to the public as "usable and buildable plans."

The competition-open to all architects, engineers, designers, draftsmen, technicians and students-closes December 20.

Judges for the competition are: Frederick Langhorst, AIA, San Francisco; John Rex, AIA, Gregory Ain, Charles Eames and J. D. Davidson, last four from Los Angeles.

Moves Office

Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. has moved its San Francisco office from 149 California Street to Room 602, 39L Sutter Street. The telephone number remains the same, GArfield 8974.

While most ol our lunber is going into Govetnment wqr uses, we hcve been tcking ccrre of our dealer customers' reguirements to the best ol our cbility, cmd we thanlc them lor their pcrtience cmd coolrercrtion

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