4 minute read


hom the l)eeember lr |:ol24t lcrue

At the November meeting of the Central California Lumbermen's Club, it was decided to invite the San Joaquin Valley and Sacramento Lumbermen's Club to meet in a ioint session in February.

G. H. Hecke, director of agriculture, was the speaker at the meeting of the Lumbermen's Clrrb held in Sacramento of the Millwork Institute of Francis Hotel, San Francisco, Gaetjen was reelected presi- outgoing officers of the Lumber Francisco, was held at the St. Francisco, the evening of Nothe newly elected president, was

State of California, Sacramento Valley on November 15.

A semi-annual meeting ofthe Arizona Lumbermen's Club was held at Phoenix on Saturday, November 15. A banquet was held the evening of November 14 at the Adams Hotel. A large delegation of Los Angeles lumbermen attended.

C.D. Johnson Lumber Company of Portland, Ore., opened a sales office in San Francisco with F. S. Locke in charge, assisted by W. B. Morrison.

Fred J. Crosier is in charge of the company's Los Angeles office.

The Long-Bell Lumber Co. opened a San Francisco sales office, rvith Kenneth Smith, district sales manager for Northern California, in charge.

The first annual meeting California was held at the St. on November 2O-21. H. W. dent.

A party in honor of the Salesmen's Club of San Germain restaurant, San vember 15. Mel Salomon. master of ceremonies.

At a meeting of the board of directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, held in Bakersfield on November 18, C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Company, Whittier, was.reelected president for the third term.

Albert A. Kelley, San Francisco wholesale lumberman, and Miss Grayce Nequette of Los Angeles, were married in San Francisco the evening of November 27.

S. P. Ross of the Central Lumber Company, Hanford, purchased the Lemoore Lumber Company at Lemoore.


Ponderosq & Sugcr Pine Lumber & Mouldings 11615 Pcrmelee Avenue crt Impericrl Highwcry Los Angeles 2-Klmbcll 2953 CUSTOM

Treated in trcrnsit crt our completely equipped plcrnt of Alcrmedcr, Cclil

Treqted qnd stocl<ed crt our Long Becrch, Calil., plcrnt 333 Montgornery St., Strn Frocirco {, Phone DOuglcr 3883 601 W. Fillh St, Loa Angeler 13, Pbone Mlcbigcnr 6291

Cro88ctrculation Kitiit

27y'o to 50/o mote capacity due to solid edge-to-edge stacking. Bettcr quality drying on low temperaturer wit[ a fast rcvcnibrc circulation.

Lower rtaclcing co3ts-ju3t rolid edge-to-edge rtacLing in thc eimplert form,

Lumber Still Critical

San Francisco, November 17-Because of the critical supply situation in Western Pine lumber, box manufacturers will find it necessary to use other species, ofificials of the War Production Board's Containers Division and Lumber and Lumber Products Division said today at a meeting of the Containers Manufacturers held in Chicago.

The supply-demand position of western pines, which include Idaho White Pine, Sugar Pine, and Ponderosa Pine, is very critical, WPB officials stated, and a much larger demand is being placed upon the mills than they have a capacity to ship. The Western pine mills are now being offered much more AA-1 rated business than they can accept.

WPB officials strongly urged the box manufacturers to divert as much of their lumber requirements as possible to other species, such as Hemlock, gum, aspen and certain kinds of hardwoods which are in relatively less demand than western pine.

If box requirements during the coming months are to be met, box manufacturers will have to use some of these species. Officials also pointed out that with few exceptions these alternate woods could be used for military boxes and still be within specifications. They recommend'that the switchover to species other than western pines be made promptly while the other species are still available.

How Lumber Looks

(Continued from Page 4) tough going. Winter is nigh, and its log supplies are uncertain. Manpower in both woods and mills is becoming a more critical problem than at any time of the war. The shortage in logging truck tires grows worse daily. There is little hope of a supply of permanent types of anti-freeze compound for logging trucks, which cannot operate on alcohol or other anti-freeze agents that are evaporated by heat. It is still war in the woods, and the forest fights on.

The Western vember 11, 111 feet, shipments feet. Orders on 0O6,000 feet.

Pine Association for the week ended Nomills reporting, gave orders as 59,513,@0 74,037,ffiO feet, and production 68,966,000 hand at the end of the week totaled 411.-

The Southtirn Pine Association for the week ended November 4, 99 units (150 mills) reporting, gave orders as 13,702,m0 feet, shipments 19,859,000 feet, and production 19,592,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 135,496,000 feet.

The West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended November 11,175 mills reporting, gave orders as 96,582,000 feet, shipments 110,351,000 feet, and production 104.327.M f.eet.

KiIn Buildcr for More Tben Hdf e C.cntury

Frrnnal J\lewr

Carl Gavotto, sales manager, American Products, Inc., San Diego, made a trip recently from San Francisco to Eureka with Lew Godard, Hobbs Wall Lumber Co., and continued on to Portland from there.

A. W. "Bates" Smith, manager of the Los Angeles office of MacDonald & Harrington, Ltd., spent last week in San Francisco on a visit to the company's head office.

James A. Smiley, well known retired covering from the effects of a fall from a ing at his home in Piedmont, Calif.

lumberman, is retree he was prun-

W. J. "Nick" Nicholson, California Plywood, Inc., Oakland, is convalescing at home after spending several weeks in Franklin Hospital, San Francisco.

George Melville, manager of the Los Angeles branch of Simpson Industries, Inc., returned last month from spend' ing three weeks in the Northwest, visiting the various plants and offices of the organization.

Frederick T. Staats, New York commission lumber salesman, who has made his headquarters in San Francisco for the past nine months, left November 26 f.or New York.

Bob King, formerly with Wisnom Mateo, and recently with South City Co., South San Francis'co, is now with Planing Mill, Burlingame.

Lumber Co., San Lumber & Supply Nelson & Shirkey

Cijassified Advertising Wanted

Experienced lumberman wants position as manager of retail yard. Will also consider buying an interest. Address Box C-1560, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14.


If you want to sell your yard let us know. We have several buyers who are interested in Southern California yards.

Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers

801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif. Phone PRospect 8746

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