2 minute read
A Full Length Mirror Door Makes A \(/onderful Christmas Present
By Jack Dionne
In the January first issue ol 1944 when I was listing in this column the things a lumber dealer COULD sell if he would just get out and hit the ball, and in spite of lumber and shingle shortages, I mentioned full length mirror doors.
And right back I got a bunch of letters from dealers that read: "Why in blazes didn't y'ou mention that before Christmas ?"
Well, friends, it's before Christmas now, and listenthere isn't one single, solitary home in your selling territory-no matter where that territory is-that couldn't use and wouldn't appreciate a full length mirror door. No home ever had too many of them. And what is more, there are hundreds and hundreds of homes in every territory that hasn't a single one. And the one and only reason they haven't is that the lumber dealer, who is the natural seller of mirror doors, hasn't done his duty by his customers.
He hasn't told his customers how easy it is to get a full length mirror door installed. He hasn't told them how reasonable in price a full length mirror door is. Most
Peter A. Stone Meets with Southern Cclilornia Declers
At a meeting called by Peter A. Stone, price executive, lumber branch, Office of Price Administration, Washington, D. C., which was held at the Mayfair Hotel, Los Angeles, he discuss6d with the retail lumber dealers plans for the appointment of a regional OPA committee and the possibility of decentralizing from national to regional jurisdiction. He told about the plan and answered a number of questions about it.
He also met with the dealers in the San Diego area on November 18 at the San Diego Hotel where he discussed the same subject.
folks are actually surprised when they fifd out how small an outlay of money will bring one into the home-
For the lumber dealer, the full length mirror door at Christmas time is a "NATURAL." There is nothing in his stock that is so definitely a Christmas gift, as a mirror door. Bet there isn't a lumber dealer anywhere who reads this, who can't sell anywhere from a dozen to several dozen mirror doors between now and Christmas, if he goes at itright. Give your trade a turnkey job on a mirror door in the home. Make them a price on the door installed. Take all the job ofi their hands except paying. for the door. Make it as easy for them to buy mirror doors as vou possibly can.
And you will find that not only will you make a lot of mirror door sales, but in addition you will make a lot of pleased customers who will remember you when they want something else in your line. That door that the whole family will dress in front of will remain as a lasting advertisement of your good salesmanship.
Mirror doors can be had in any quantity. They are reasonable in price. They make a priceless Christmas gift. Well-what are you waiting on?
Buys HcrU brterest in Ycrrd
Art Beasley, who was with the W. M. Dary Co., San Bernardino, for the past several years, has purchased a half interest in the Grimm Lumber Co., San Bernarilino.
Will Attend Brecutive Meeting
Fred H. Morehouse, Anglo California Lumber Co., Los Angeles, department chairman of Boy Scouts, American Legion, will attend the department executive meeting of the Legion, to be held in Sacramento, December 8, 9 and 10.
Mr. Morehouse is Past Commander of Lumbermen's Post No. 403, Los Angeles.