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Build A Home
" A laashing Machine, a Talhi,ng Machine, a Super-Hetrodyne Radio, and, an Automobile seem to have become necessities instead of lu.rurles. Clezt|r adaer- tisi,ng-u10,nting to haue those things zahich the *n orro,f, thi street ozans_all ?,ou,t."to,buy, buy, buy..It $ not strange we zpant all of these things_the:y mahe ltfe longe.r and,-happier..It If strange that we often ihink of theie things before we think of the horne ,i.n u,hich to house tlcem.
Yet there is more real ztalue in a home, dollar for d.ollar, th,an in annr one of these nationallv-adaertised, lwruries. Diitribution' costs, ign"t;" ;"-;kkti";;, Y:::1, lryrk,royalties, ptay.tj,ttle_ part in the buitdiig ;i ;';"";;. yo, Uui Uarrii t4atertals which are assembled ly you, contractor iit. a'manner approzted,6y you, :::!ittlt,. I,I/hen your..houyg .is. Qo.ne you haae sornetling-slrilier, ,atbfaiiii" and, p,nde ol oumersh.ip, wlticlt initiates itself in-to every nasm6er of'your'famitY,. You become a real citiaen who owns his own home.
Taration hind,ers yg" flory taking_the ground-breaking step. why should, it? You are pat'ing your-landlord enoudh reit to gizte hirn'-a tiiftr;uni income to ?oy lgu! tares,f or..you and Ieazte something ouei f or himserf . 'iy you, rent is si lozu tlmt.your landlord.il ou.!.of pocke.t you are lizting in a districi or city which has no future and whic_h.wilt eaintually'reflect itself in you, iu* i,ncome. Gilt- edge securities haae a high sounding-iami-savingi dep"osits giae y'u " fuifug that.there is,a liqylQ asset you candlzvays spend, ind, tliazv fo1r pircent intereit. ctp _to that time. These_ money resources giae 5,s11y city and, stafe stabitit,v_but y\l::: tly\,1nbili,tl is .backed w-p by home-ownirs it zuiiil toon be in a-shaiy clid,ttxon. Pub_ltc zuellare is conlrolled not by bankers zuho hold, your rnoney ii trust, not by .pol.i.tici,ans-tuho- pretend to serve .yor,t-but b2t th,lt undertyilng potuei 1t-t:.n! in,!ry Pmilies,zalco ozun h,omes. Scho_ols, Churcfr.es, Goz.,ernmekt 7trh1, ott demand, tlmt those who oztrn hornes shall be l,teard first. Russia today is suffering frorn this very lack.
Tht high cost of-buildi,ng in-any norm,al tirne, such as thi,s, ls a myth. The lur,chasiy'p, pozaero.f a dollar shoz,s more resulis in a home today inoo non, belore. 14e -forget the.pri-ce Of butter and eggs ta,enty yuars ago-Lnd, seeyn to larnent t-h,e fac! that the house in z.p.thich the""eldest sin"was birn ftsenty years i{! :"Xlj. not be duplicated,_f.or tu,ice tlte u+oney- todai,. Truly the best a/gime:nt lor building a home nozu..The azlerage_home^of tu,eity ^,,teari ago had, feti,,Fir_ ilgt"; Floor Plugs, Special Furnacei, push Bittons, Flirdzercod' Ftoori,'Corifi*, water Hea-ters, _e eminted Basetnenti, Grou,nds *od, iy taniicape goraunr; ;i three months-th,ese are nou) considered necessary, eaei in a coruparZttztuty ftoii horne. why should,n't a l,rouse cost ntore moniy, eaen, though'tn, p"rit iitig pozuer of money zuere not reduced?
^ - lf y.ou-build, consider Lumber. It is the crteoltest build,ing material for a California house. This State and, those Nortlrcrn Stutns aaiiiilns are bo'uri,nc in th,eir car and ryrg.o luynbyr_o"fferi,ngs- of aarious woods zaitiout iia"l. -2fu ii'ifr, gooct talnoer-xs cheaper m caltlornia tltan any place in the world,. Lumber is dur_ ab-le,.adaptabte. A wooden lrcuse can be more.readily altered than a structure oJ alyl,gst any oth_er h.ind of material..A zuooden houie suits califoria-Cii*";;, Qonliligns, .and. the silent testim.o.ny of the vast majori,ty of ho,iei uilit il *iii in Calif ornia corn pels consideration.