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Use Your Fences

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Tale of Two Cities

Tale of Two Cities

One of the best, rnost prominent, and most economically operated mediums of good publicity that a "Mr. Pep" retailer has at his command, are the fenc6s that he has around his yard.

Most all yards are located advantageously for a good use of their fences for advertising. Yards in the industrial districts, along railway main lines, or those situated in or immediately adjoining residence districts, should all have at least a portion of their fences built to accommodate attractive advertising signs.

The illustration shows a part of the fence signs that have been painted by the Woodhead Lumber Company, at one of their Los Angeles yards.

This plant is r.vell located at the corner of Slauson Avenue and Main Street, on a busy local street car line, and at one of the busiest automobile traffic intersections on the edge of the city.

The main part of the illustration is of the sign along the Main Street side of the plant, a palt of the office shows in the left hand side of the picture.

They have put their famous "Woody" figure into action, showing him in various poses, holding a piece of rvall board, a door and a sash, and he is telling the rvide, 'lvide world some very clever things about rvhat his company has to sell. Here are some of the things that "Woodr"' is telling the prospective home owners : "There's rvorlds of pleasure and fun in building the rvife that pantry or- a new ioom in the attic." "Building a garage is the only way to put one over on Ford-Henry likes it too." "It's a hundred to one bet that 'Home, Srveet Home' was not written by a renter." "Building a home is one rvay of making money on what you spend." Etc.

The smaller pictures shorv a part of their signs along Slauson Avenue.


W.. H. (Bill) Wood, assistant sales manager of the Coos Bay Lumber Co. of San Francisco, has resigned his position, effective December 31, with the Coos Bay Lumber Co., and is leaving for Portland, Oregon, where he will manage the Portland office of C. 1\{. Weatherwax & Co. He will start on his new work on Tanuarv 1. "Bill" has been asSociated with the Coos Bay Lum-ber Co. for the past nine years, where he was connected with the sales department. The C. 1\[. Weathenvax Company operate the Aberdeen Lumber & Shingle Co. at Aberdeen, Washington, afid are also affiliated with several other Northrvest mill connections. Through their Portland office. they will carry on a foreign export business.

"Bill" has always taken an active part in lumber affairs in the Bay District and has been an active member of Hoo-

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