4 minute read
H, A, Snow, fantous Big Gone lluntcr, stauding be.sida a no.dcl o.f his museu.n zth.ich zsill cost $1,000,00 ond which zsill houso.t'ntrztr's wonderfui colleclion of zuild animals' Thc building nlgtcriols uscd in the model uere ptrclwscd fron I'ltc Paraffinc Compailcs, Int.
H. A. Snow, internationally knorvn Africarr llig garrre hunter, has visions of a mttsettnr costing lnore than a rnillion dollars to hottse his scores of lvild animals rvhich ltc has bagged on his trips into the wilds of South Africa an<l the frozen wastes of Siberia.
Recently he built a nrodel of the building in the basement of liis present museum in Oakland, rvhere. the nelv museum will-be located. Snow is quite versed in the art of carpentry and constructed a model that is so remarkable that it-has attracted the attention of some of the biggest builders and architects on the Pacific Coast.
- When Snorv rvas ready to start work orr the trrodel he visited the Emeryville piant of The Paraffine Companies, Inc., manufactttrers of roofing, wall board, floor covering. paints-everything, in fact, that is needed for a home'
^ "I rvant abotrt 300 shingles. several gallons of paint, enough wall board to cover 25 rooms (miniature size),.several itrips of yottr Pabcolin floor covering, arrd a strip of Pabco Ten Year Roof."
Ancl Snow got everything l're 'rvanted. The Paraffine Companies, Inc. officials. incidentally, are qttite proud that Snorv chose their materials.
The model is six feet in length, four feet rvide. and each of the 25 rooms are ftrrrrished exactly as they u'ill be in the museum itself.
Tinv animals. constrttctecl of Pabco boxboard. also fttrnisheci by The Paraffine Companies, Inc., are in everl' rootll.
Box Factory To Be Built
Bellingham, Dec. l0.-Decision to rebuild the box factory burned in the big rvaterfront fire of September 30 has been made by the Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Mills, it is announced by President J. H. Bloedel. At the same time he announced that both the cargo plant and the Larsorr rnill on Lake Whatcom rvill be almost rvholly electrified soon. The projected improvements rvill cost about $500,000'
The box factory t'ill be located at the corner of Cornu'all Avenue and Pine Streets. a block south of the olcl site. This rvill place it on the rvaterfront, and a nes' dock is contemplated alongside the old Sehome wharf.
Santa Arrived
Santa Claus shorvecl up at the offices of "The California I.umber Merchant" the other day in the form of a very handsome and useful gift from the California Panel & \reneer Company, Los Angeles.
A beautiful leather case, containing a pair of goJd-plated shears and letter opener, engraved with the name of the recipient. is indeed a u'onderful gift.
Novel Menu Furnished At Luncheon
At a recent Hoo Hoo lunchcon held at the Palace at San Francisco, the real kick of the meeting was provided by the vcry novel menu cards that were fuinishcd by P. C. McNcvin, Sales Manager for the Pacific Lumber Company. Mr. McNevin was chairman at this particutar luncheon.
Ddlvorrd to polatr vlthh
Cdtomir Rcdwood Cocktril
Oliva16t on iliclc
Kiln Dricd Turkcy
"Drruod Four Sl&r" lOVo Ctro,fury Gible Trirnr
PcarRoush PilGd Potetocr Pcelcd in thc Wood
Cookhourc Sdad
Frozcnr Hcn Fruit Conky Caka
Crcorote "lt'r Lut"
Tying in Bundlcr $2 pcr M edditionel
Nov.26, 1924
Attcndencc cardr donetcd by Crlifornie Redwood Box Co., OeLhnd
Rod Hendrickson Writes On Shingle Nails
Mr. Rod Hendrickson, head oI the Henclrickson Lumber Company of San Francisco, has made what looks to be a very'important discovery in connection with the use of coated nails by shinglers.
Recently he rvrotl to the San Francisco office of this Journal. as follows:
Mr. Ed. Martin, clo California Lumbcr Merchant, San Francisco, Calif.
Dear Sir:- to insert a littlc item of news, bne of our very good friends, a very prominent Retailer in the ate. after a great -deal of experimenting and research work, has sc.vered thai thc shingler can eliminate anv sore mouth by first State, after -a great de discovered thai the shingler can any sore mouth by diooins the nails in a soluti,on of common baking soda and q diooins the sJluti,on baking water. fniJis a very valuable discovery and we believe shguld be plsFcd alone throush your worthy magazine. We are sending this informati-on to o-ur iarious Shinele Mills and associates. and we believe -iti"o" to o*ur iarious Shiigle this little forrnula will be used ln the direct advertirtising of shingles from now on. this little formula will be used
Thought pcrhaps you might like which *c belicve is of real value.
Both the Redwood and Cedar Shingle people have been advocating for a numbcr of ycars that the usc of a zinc coated or salvaniZed nail would xreitlv enhance the lasting quality of a Shingle and give almoJt lifiJongexistenceto a- Shinglc roof. They- have preached thi-s- doctrine for .+ number. of They preached this for a number ot ycars on accourit of thi various criticism that ordinary nails after a certain couit cet'tam length of time-eithcr -rust off-or that.the acid in thc shingle will eat the nail ofr long before the shingle becomes valucless.
We also find thai the Retailers tell us that thc Shinglers thcmselves will not use a zinc coated or galvanized nail' as they put them in their mouth when laying shingles and that the acid on this typc of nail makes their mouths sore.
Thanking you in advance for any publicity you care to give this little hote. we remain
Very truly yours, Rod Hendrickson.
(Continued from Page 52) hour,.plus your Overhead at a given rate per hour per only item being taken care of on a percentage baiis man-the being the drayage.
Afte.r obtaini-ng yolr cost the next essentiat thing is to be able to apply- the information thus gained to your estimati-ng department, as intelligent estimating can only be done by using four- past e*perlence as a gurde.
After. obtaining the above segregations from your book records, tablrsh capacrty ot machines so that you mav determirre cost Der establish capacity so establrsh you may cost thousand feet of surfacing one side in various thicknesses, rip raIJ4LrrJ ur rrr4Lrlltlcs trrat yuu Inay octermlne cost Der variouj thicknesses. riooins per. thousand lineal feet, cutting up per thousand square feet o"f various thicknesses, etc., and detlrmini the percentage of waste as feei variou_s thickr_resses, percentage per schedule below: lSVo waste equals ll80 ft. fr/o waste equals 1250 ft.
. 5% waste equals 1050 ft.
10./o waste equals 1ll0 ft.
With this information you are able to give your estimator a schedule of prices at any given point. In lthef words. vou can price.clear lumber, surfaced one side and ripped, surfaced one side, r:pped and cut,.or.at any_other stage of the manufacturing operation that you may desire, and with proper schedules for computine the other operations in_hours you-r estimator can arrive at a veiy Ae"nnite conclusion as to the cost of any given article. In order- to more fully explain this system of estimating, I am submitting the follow- ing example: