4 minute read
m$ AI|GDLE$ Wf, 0tE$ALDn S
LUMBER Albion Lunber Co.
Pac. Elcc. Bldg. ..............TUchcr 57?9 Algoma Lunbcr Co.
Fay Bldg. ...TRinity lXXl Ba:tcr, J. H, & Co.
S. Ahmeda .Humbolt 3770 Booth-Kclly Lbr. Co.
Centrel Bldg. Chamberlin & Co, W. R.
Chambcr of Commercc Bldg... ..MAin 476{
Bay Lumbcr Co.
Ccntral Bldg. .TRinity 1618
Dolbccr & Carron Lurnber Co.
Pacific Mutual Bldg. . ..TUckcr 7654
Forgie, Robt.
Central Bldg. . .VAndike E229
Growcr' Supply Co.
Conrolidatcd Bldg. ....TRinity {0U
Gcrnain Lurnber Co.
Traneportetion Bldg. ......BRoedway 29.27
Golding Lbr. Co., Frcd
Central BIdg.
Standard Oil Bldg. ...VAndike 8532
Rcd Rivcr Lumbcr Co.
702 E. Sleuron .. .. . .AXridgc gtlS
Redwood Manufrcturcrt Co.
3rE E.3d St. ... ..VAndiLc lt7lZ
Srnta Fc Lumbcr Co.
397 Pac. Electric Bldg. .. .TUckcr 5779 ti8 Ven Nuyr Blds. ..MEtro. @l!i
Sledc Lunbcr Co.
Suddcn & Chrirtcnron
900 Bartlctt Blds. ..MAia Sl90
Tacona Plening Mill
915 E. 62nd St. ........AXridJa lt71
Twohy Lumbcr Co.
221 Kcrckhofr Bldg. . ..BRordrey Gl3
Union Lumbcr Co.
Laac Mortgegc Bldg. ...TRinity Zltl
Wendling-Nathan Co.
7116 Standard Oil Bldg. ..VAndikc 8532
W. \l/. Wilkinron l2l{ Iarurancc Exchangc Bldg TUckcr l4lll
Willienr & Coopcr
Peci6c-Southwcrt Bank Bldg. ...TUckcr Sglt
Wood, E. K, LurnbGr Co.
4701 Sante Fc Avc. .......Axddgc 961 HARDWOODS
Brown, Rollin: A.
6lXG Carlor Ave. .. .GRanitc 3O{2
Cadwallader Gibron Co. Inc,
3628 Mincr Avb. . .. .ANgelur 32t7
California Panet & Veueer Co.,
955 S. Alameda St.. .TRinity |X}57
Cooper, \f,/. E, Lumber Co.
2035 E. tsth St. ...HUubolt 1335
Grippcr, Jcrome C.
756 So. Spring St. . .. .TRiDity 0405
Hammond Lumber Co.
2010 So. Alameda St. ... .......HUmbolt l59l '
Kcllogg Lumber Co. of Cel.
543 Central Bldg. . ....VAndikc til29 ll97 Pecific Coert Corn'Cl Co.
Kolambrigan Lbr. & Dcv. Co.
Central Bldg. .
Netional Hardwood Co.
Aliro St. ... ......MAin ltZ NicLey Bror. lnc.
So. Park Avc.
So. Main
3510 Stenton, E. J, & Sol eud Alencdr Str. .. ...
\lfcrtcrn Herdwood Lunbcr Co.
2Ol1 E. lsth St. ..WErtrnore 616l
VYilron, Wm. M, Lunber Co.
2OS7 E. lsth St.. ....,..WErtnorc 3067
Woodhcad Lumber Company 5720 So. Main St. .AXridgc 5?22
Americen Door Co. 4322 Moncta Avq .....HUEbolt 03U
Glarby & Co.
2l2a E.25th St. ..HUmbolt 0852
Hammond Lumber Co. 2010 So. Alameda St. .......HUmbolt 1591 f600 E. Warhington ..HUmboIt 5992
Hatten, T. B" Co.
Kochl, Jno. lf,/., & Son
652 So. Myerr St ..ANgelur 167l
Koll, H. W., & Co.
432 Colyton .....,.MEtro. 0365
Lillard, Mark W.
6493 Stanford Avc. ., .THornwall t240
Red River Lumber Co.
702 E. Slaueon .AXridgc 9ll5
Paci6c Door & Sarh Co.
3216 So. Main . .......HUnbolt 76tl lVcrtcrn Sarh & Door Co.
1601 E. 25th St. ........HUubolt 26ti2
Wbcclcr-Orgood Co.
1617 E. l6th st. ..HUnboIt 26Oi
W. W. Wilkinron l2l4 Inrurancc Erchange Bldg. .TUc.Lor l{31
Hipolito Company.
2lrt and Alamcda Str. .. .......WE.r-orc 613l
A Handy Directory For The Busy Lumberman
(Continued from Page 50.)
work of the Bureau, but the number was not great enough to justify putting the matter to a vote.
Sam P. Johns, Snoqualmie Timber Co., was chairman of the Thursday morning session, when delegates decided to adopt the new IJ. S. Standards. A motion to adopt the square pack for all shingles was lost. Arthur E. Lane, A. E. Lane Lumber Corporation, New York, urged the congress to adopt the new standards, and to vote money for the promotion and sale of shingles. He said that the sale of 6/2 shingles had done more in the past than anything else to decrease the sale of Red Cedar Shingles and increase the sale of substitute roofing.
Delegates who attended the noon luncheon of the Seattle Hoo-Hoo Club were entertained by a special program. President Sam P. Johns in the course of his remarks said he could see a silver lining in the clouds.which had for so long enveloped the Red Cedar Shingle industry.
Paul R. Smith was in the chair at the Thursday afternoon session. No election of officers was held, as it was decided that the present officers will be retained until the new Advisory Board completes the reorganization.
Manufacturers taking part in the various discussions included: Robert McNair, Robert McNair Shingle Co. ; W. C. McMaster, John McMaster Shingle Co.; J. A. Edgecumbe, Edgecumbe-Neryham Co., Ltd.; N. C. Jamison and P. H. Olwell, Jamison Lumber & Shingle Co.; Sam P. Johns, Snoqualmie Falls Timber Co.; A. J. Morley and H. J. Bailey, Saginaw Timber Co.; Clarence E. Hill, Bucoda Shingle Co.; Geo. Bergstrom, Pacific Timber Co.; L. G. Humbarger, Red Cedar Shingle Co.; Paul R. Smith, M. R. Smith Lbr. & Shingle Co.
The congress was brought to a close by the annual dinner dance and entertainment at the Olympic Hotel. It was freely admitted by the manufacturers that they have had the best year they have had for a long time and that the outlook is bright for a better year in 1926.
The attendance from British Columbia broke all records, the delegation consisting of 36 members, representing about 50 per cent of the mills of the Shingle Manufacturers' Association of B. C.
Sulks Do Not Pay
(Excerpt from letter written by Harry V. Hanson of the California Panel and Veneer Company, Los Angeles.)
I had a little experience the other day which I thought' you u'ould be interested in. I was walking along the street I live on, and came upon some little fellows playing. One little chap was all alone as far as the others were concerned, rvas not being given any attention whatsoever. He was known in the neighborhood as being a "cry baby," if he could not have his. own way. Naturally the other fellows didn't want to have anything to do with him. There he was, out in the cold as far as participating in the fun rvas concerned.
Phil, it reminded me so much of some of the few concerns in town that have a reputation for "bellyaching'' when business isn't what they think it should be, instead of getting into the game with the rest of the fellows, and either creating some demand, or playing the game the best they know fie1v, ?fld make the most of the present oppor- tunities; It is a whole lot more fun, and makes for con. geniality and co-operation. The sulks do not pay !
With all ,h. "du.r,iring 'h.lpd b.ing distributed nowadays by manufacturers and associations, there is no reason on earth why the retail lumber merchant should fail to get his share of business.
If you educate the customer to buy only what is best for him, you won't have to choose between selling him what he wants or what he ought to have-and he'll be suie to get his money's worth.