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Not il Lumber Newspaper
But a magazine of lumber merchandising, advertising, selling and business-creating
"As far as we are concerned, the California Lumber Merchant is the only Lumber Trade Journal in the state. We reach all of our prospects through its use, and that is all we need."
So said the head of a large manufacturing institution,in Los Angeles.
Do these things mean angthing to gou?
McCormick Employees Dance at Hotel Whitcomb
Over two hundred, which included the San Francisco employees of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. and the McCormick Steampship Company and their g'uests, held an enjoyable and successful dancing party at the Roof Garden of the Hotel Whitcomb on Wednesday evening, December 2. The hall was very attractively decorated, and through the courtesy of Mayor James Rolph who had the special lighting effects on the City Hall operating, which overlooks the Roof Garden, it added greatly to the attractiveness of the party. Dancing continued until one o'clock.
During the evening Miss Nellie Clark of the Claims Department accompanied by Miss Joseann McConnon, Albert E. Gross of the Shipping Department accompanied by Walter Rollins, and Ralph Laumeister of the Lumber Department, accompanied by William Shaw, entertained with several delightful solos. The Elimination Dance Contest was won by Charles R. McCormick and Miss Elinor Andrew.
The hosts and hostesses, identified by a white flor'ver and blue and white ribbon, the McCormick colors, were H' Levinson, William Shaw, George Bower, Miss E. Andrews, Miss I. Geissberger, and Mrs. F. L. Clark.
The General eommittee of Arrangements consisted of George Bower, Chairman. Mrs. F. L. Clark, Vice Chairman, Miss-E. Andrew, Miss I. Geissberger, Miss G. Goodson. Miss H. Bahr, Miss H. Graham, Ed. Harms. E. P. Lewis. G. Dundon, R. Bybee, Wm. Shaw, and W. G. Libby'
Ralph Duncan Visits Los Angeles
Ralph Duncan, l\{erced Lumber Co.. \{erced, was a recent Los Angeles visitor. He was called to Los Angeles owing to the ierious illness of his brother who resides there.
Burton And Charles Gartin Now Yard Managers
Burton and Charles Gartin are following in the footstells of their illustrious father, James Gartin, manager of the Stanislaus Lumber Co., of Modesto, and are now vard managers at Ceres and Salida. Burton is man-ager gf -t!" Ceres-Lumber Co., and Charles is manager of the Salida Lumber Co. They both received their early lumber training at the Stanislaus Lumber Co', Modesto.
San Francisco Ship Aground
The three masted schooner Halco, owned by the Hammond Lumber Co., of San Franclsco, srvept over the rocks on the north side of Grays Harbor entrance on December 1. A great hole was made in the side of the ship which will probably result in a total loss'