1 minute read


Dbtributing hgcntr for Chrh-Niclcrron Lumbor Co, Evcrctt, lVerh.

Dcmprcy Lumbcr Cor Tecona, Werh.

Doience Lunbcr Co, Trconr, Wuh.

Bernct Lunbcr Co, Vencouvcr, B. C. Whitncy Coo Garibeldi, Orc. Littlc Rivcr Rcdwood Co, Hurnboldt Bry.

Fruit Growers Supply Company

Manufacturcn of

Whitc and Sqar Ptnc Lumbcr Milb at Suruvillc lnd llih' Cd

!EO,(X)O,(X!O FGGI Arnurl Cepdty

B. W. ADAMS, Mrr. Salcl Dcpt Fir* Nationd Banh Btdg San Francico lflftte olD, olD borDg tfat guoh 9gbe eter b itt repetition, year atter yeilr, sd trienlgtlipg Deepen anU tUe tonls of busi= negg scqusintoncedlip guob in= to leeper feelings of redpect anb slmiration.

To the Lumbermen of this great country we say:-

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