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How Lumber Looks

Douglar Fir-A total of 3O3 mills reporting to the Wert Coart Lumbermen'r Alociation for the week ended November 29 operated at 39.13 per cent of capacig, ar compared with 44.46 per cent of capacity for the previou week and with 65 per cent during the early part of 1930. The rharp decreare for the week ended November 29 te fects the chutdowns rnade on Thankrgiving Day. During the two preceding weekr t[ere nrillr operateil at the lowert per cent of capacity recorded since tte weekr in which the Fourth of July and l,abor.Day holidayr occurred.

Mill inventorieo hive been reduced 5.61 per cent during tte part 27 weeks. Continued reduc{ion of production from now until after the Ne*v Year ir anticipated by the Arcociation, and finther decrearee in inventoriet are expected. Stocks are badly broken with popular yrrd itemt increaringly difficult to obtain.

CaUfonria wholeralcru report that they are expericacing difficulty in buying lumber at the milb at t[e prevailing California pricer. Further curtailment at the Fir milb which hao been planned for sone time is now reported put into efiect and it b expected that produc{ion for tte balance of the year will be at a very low ebb. Eart Coart cargp pricer have advanced from SOc-$l.fi). Uneold rtoc,kr on the public docks at San Pedro totaled lO'148r(X)O feet-on Decimber 1O. A recent suney of t[e unrold rtockr at San Pedro showed about one-t[ird of thir rtock undesirable and not readily ralable. 54 lumber vearelr in the California rervice are laid up.

For the week ended Novembcr 29, 6c CellfcaL Rc& wood Arrociation reportcd prodoclio frm 12 nilb s 4r?35r(X)O feet, ahipncntr 4r4?9r(m fcct' aDd "ndq-t 4'' 854,OOO feeL Th; Cafifortia Whitc & Sugar Pinc Menu' frctnrcrr Alsocbtion for the wcc& codcd Novcobcr 29 te ported produc{ion ttom 24 nilb er 1,2'374r|0/0|D &"e tF meotr l6r2OOr(XX) fcct, and ordcn l5rl6l'fln fGGL Thc Cdifornii dcnud for Plnc end Rcdrood b kccpig q fahly well for thir relron of thc ycer, and it ir expected rtft production at &e milr will be frrther crrtaited during thc holidaYre$on' * * + * * rF rF

The current rcl,ationrhip of rhipncotr ad orderr to Pro' duction for the 6r* 48 weckr of 1930, ar reportcd bv 6c reg'onal arsocbtionr to the Natioorl l-mbcr DlenilecEtrr Arcociation, followr:

Wert Coast Lumbcrmeo'r ffiion 6' ?31,381 M feet: Shipmcnb 6,5?3'3E4 M fccf; Ordcn 6' 571,698 M feet.

C"mornin White and Susrr Pinc Mrndecrrcnr Arocirp tion-Production 887,334-M ftct; Shbn* 929,0@ ll feett Orden 9111666 M fect.

Caffornin Redwood Arochtion-hoduction 3fq?OO M fcet; Shipmeotr 2E9,237 M fcct; @"q 2g0,f7 !! l"* Sodh.tn Plne Asociationhodu.don 2r572rEruu- n feet; Shipncntr 2,43E,416 M fcct; Ordcrr a3q7^63 MJGGL fotel-Hardwoodr-Produaina l,?73,6t1 M ftcr; Shb ments 11674,20Z M feet; Adcrr lrtlt2r6t4 M fcct

Lumber Firms in Proposed Change of Offices $10,000,000 Merger

Negotiations are under way for the merging of three large lumber concerns, Raymond Lumber C_ompany, of Raymond, Wash.; Lewis Mills and Timber Company, of South Bend, Wash., and the Willapa Lumber Company, of Raymond, Wash., according to L. C. Stewart, manager of Sudden & Christenson, San Francisco, which concern has a substantial interest in the trvo first named.

Conferences between the lumber companies and the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, with which negotiations are-being carried on for a large timber area in Pacific County, Washington, have been held over a period of some weeks, and Mr. Stewart believes that the deal has a good chance to be consummated.

Property involved in the deal is said to be worth more than $10,000,000.

No'change in the policies of the various companies -is contemplated. If the merger goes through, operations will continue after January I under a new corporation name.

J. H. Baxter & Co. recently moved their San Francisco odces to 333 l\Iontgomery street. They formerly were located at €5 California street.


H. H. Barg, Barg Lumber & Shipping C-o., San Francisco, spent December ll in Los Angeles- while en route to San Francisco follorving a five months' business trip to Europe. Il{r. Barg vislited Fngland, -scotland, Ireland, Franie, Holtand, Germany and Denmark.


W. G. Kahman, Il{cCloud River Lumber Co-, San-Francisco, spent a few days in I ns Angeles- around the first of the month conferring with L. S. Turnbull, the company's Southern California -and Arizona representative' He also took in the Notre Dame-U.S.C. football game on Dec' 6'

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