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"Dobbsie" To Entertain At S. F. Hoo Hoo Xmas Party
Thousands of San Francisco kiddies are regular sailors on the "Shell Ship of Joy" which Hugh Barrett Dobbs, "Captain Dobbsie" to his little f riends, launches every morning on the Shell Happy-time program over station KPO.
Dobbsie brings good cheer and fun to his audience every rveek day in the year but he is expe'cted to surpass himself when he will entertain 20O children who will be the guests of the San Francisco lloo Hoo Club at that organization's annual Christmas partv at the Elk's Club, Tuesday, December 23.
Assisted by Sambo and Ed, and perhaps other members of his famous troupe of radio fun-makers, Dobbsie will put on a gala program as a part of the entertainment arranged by the Hoo Hoo entertainment committee comprising C. C. Stibich, Howard M. Gunton and Fd Tietjen.
Through the courtesy of the Shell Oil Company which sponsors his daily broadcasts, Dobbsie's inimitable services were obtained for the party. It wiil be another "high spot" in his already heavy Christmas program, a principal feature of which is inviting San Fran,cis'cans and other Northern California residents to bring their kiddies to see the mammoth Shell Christmas Display at Fell and Baker Streets.
"I have a number of surprises in mind for the little guests of the Hoo Hoo Club," Dobbsie confided recently. "Santa Claus and I talked it over at our last rneeting."
Dobbs is an outstanding radio personality whose large audience ranks him with the stars of the "theater of the air" in other sections of the ,country. He is popular with children and adults alike and the Hoo Hoo club members are looking forward to his Christmas party program with as much anticipation as the kiddies.
Al Nolan, of The Pacific Lumber Cornpany, will act as Santa Claus.
Frank O'Connor is chairman of the Finance Comn.rittee.
Kesterson to Build Box Factory And Cut-Up Plant
Plans for the Box Factory, Cut-up Plant, and Crane Shed of the Kesterson Lumber Company, Klamath Falls, Oregon, have been completed.
Latest machinery and modern equipment have been purchased and construction is being pushed forward at this time.
The Planing Mill Shed of the Kesterson operations was originally built large enough to accommodate the Box and Cut-up unit, and it is in this building the machinery will be installed for an up-to-date factory of approximately one hundred and fifty thousand capacity.
Layout rvill be modern and contains equipment for cutting and building up sp6cial kinds of stock and furniture Iumber; and it is expected that Kesterson will have one of the most up-to-date and labor-saving Box Factories and Cut-up Plants in the West.
The new operation will place them in a position to handle built-up stock for Eastern markets of furniture lumber and table tops. H. O. Fry rvill be superintendent of the Factory.
J, R. Kenny, Union Lumber Sales Corporation, Portland, rvas a recent visitor to San Francisco.