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Age not guaranteed-Some I have told fot 2O yeare'-Some lesg
A Couple of Fast Ones
Paul Hosmer, of Deschutes Pine Echoes, has been famous for years for his snappy stories, and lots of have been reprinted in this journal.
quite them 'That was my 6ancec. Do you want ar introductioP' "No. But t|rc nert time you sGe hcr a* bcr if shc r+ members what I did with mY vcsd'
Now Carl Crow, of Portland, is giving him quite a battle for supremacy in the field of snapPy quips and jests. Here are late ones from each of their publications.
' From Paul's Publication
"Who was the girl you had at the Riveters' Ball last night?"
Harold P. Plummer, of Chicago, in charge of all Filstern sales of the Union Lumber Co.-is on a visit to the Pacific Coast. Mr. Plummer rvill remain over the Christrnas holidays, and rvill spend some time at the company's mills during his stay.
From Cad's Colunn
The sweet yorurg thing had brolcn hcr glassce. Shc took the reurains back to the optoctrirt '"\trill I havc to be examined dl over again?p' rhc astcd"NO," he replicd, "only your c5lcs."
Redwood Association Annual To Be Held Deceuber T6
The annual meeting of the California Redwooil Association will be held at tli-e Palace Hotcl, San Francisco, Tuesday, December 16, at l2:3O noon. This will be a luncheon meeting.