5 minute read
Problems of The West Coast Lumber Industry
(Continued from Page 39) practical problems of conserving and wisely utilizing the timber resources of the country. Through the medium of these fact-finding and educational agencies, of high public standing, it may be that public opinion will be prepared for a liberalization of the anti-trust laws in order to deal rationally with present-day economic conditions. Hence, I regard it as timely for the business interests of the country, as represented in the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, to develop a workable plan whereby the natural resource industries can meet the public on a common ground of mutual interest and benefit.
American business widely supports the position of the National Chamber of Commerce against the extension of government control over industry, or government regulation of industry, or the further assumption of business functions by the government. But there is a clear distinction between the control of business activities bv the government and the principle I have suggested of giving industry greater liberty of- action to govern itself. The public will not grant us this liberty without assurance that its own interests witl be-pro- tected. We must find some practical means of giving the public that assurance. And in my judgment this can best be done by submitting the measures which we believe necessary to some disinterested public agency, demonstrating their benefit io the country, and thereby obtaining public sanction to put them into effect.
The lumbermen of the Northwest have been trained in a school of intense individualism. It is a natural result of the pioneer conditions under which their industry has developed. But they are rapidly learn-ing the necessity_of cooperation. They are reaiiring that many of the complex problems which surround their industrv today can be_dealt with far more effectively by united action. They are more and more prepared, with the aid of cooperative action, t-o work out the problems of utilizing the vast forests of the West with the efficiency in manufacture and merchandisine demanded of thenr by modern conditions.
Their _industry is lot a decadent one. It will go right on fabricating the innumerable things required by civiliZatioi out of the timber resources of this region. It will parpetuate those resources th.rough reforestation. It wilt remain a great employer of labor. It *'ill .shoulder the responsibilities of consirving its riw material and makilS it of the maximum benefit to the people and commerce of the United States. But to do these thingi eifectively, and partic- ularly to _restrain th-e destructive competition which benefit. n'o otr., they need gteater freedom of self-government.
Our Orm Logging - Milling - Transportation ' and Distributing Facilities
FROM Consolidated Lumber Company
Vilmington Lor Angeler Digtributorr of Creoroted Lumbcr, Piling and Poler.
YOU INCREASE your business in two ways by handling Truscon Metal Lathr. First, you open up a new market for cales. Second, you enlarge your present market for lunrber by providing freproofng for it. Truscon Metal Laths are a complete line manufactured in California and ctocted in local Truscon warehouses. Write for fuII information.
Pacific Coast Factory, Loe Angeles Los Angeles, Calif. - 5,180 E. Slauson Ave. San Francisco, Calif. - 74 New Montgomery St. 310-311 Seaboatd Bldg. 449-457 Kerby St.
Metal Lath
(Thc ClcorJng Houe)
This Column of "'Wants" and 'Don't'Wants' is fon
The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell
The Fellow \Mho Wants to Hire fqrc: E2.s0 pq cotinn dncf, The Fellow \iVho \Ments toBe Hirad
Planing Mill Machinery for sale. All modcrn, nsw 3 years ago. Loe Angeler Planing Mill Co., 1t0O Itrdustrial St., Lc Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndtke &t60.
Wants Position As Yard Manager
Experienced lumberman. would like position managing country yard in Southern California. Familiar with all details of the retail business. Can furnish references. Would appreciate an interview. Address Box C-356, care California Lumber Merchant.
Young lady with several years' experience in the lumber business, mill and wholesale, wants position with Los Angeles lumber firm. Familiar with all office details. Address Box C-357, care California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Yard Tanager Waitts Conneciion
Experienced yard nanag€r wants connection es mrorldr -assistant manager-or collector of country or suburblo yard. Has record for creating business and oollcctipj what he sells. Ten years' experience with same firm ud has request to return at any lime. Is thirty-six years of age, married, speaks German fluently, and some Norrogran. Address Box C-353, California Lumber Merchaql
Responsible, experienced retail lumbcr sdesman;nd cfmator, ofrce or yard, desires coqsection. - \f,rill rofit tlo weeks gratis to qualify. Have naneged linc yerds. A-l references. Salary reisonablc. Address Box C-331, California Lumber Merchanl
Uodern Yard Fon Sale
Sales Promotion Ideas
Experienced Line Yard Manager Plan Book
Make your yard center for owners and contractors
Address P. O. Box 51, South Gate, C^alifornia.
Modern Yard for sale, near Los Angttes-invcstlncot around twenty-five thousand, sales sixty to scveoQr thousand per ycar. Good reason fc sclling. Ad&Gls Box C-358, care California Lumber Mcrchant.
Experienced retail lumbennan wantcd to oror3c yard close to Los Angeles. State age, lunbcr cryGtL ience during past tcn years, and refcrences. Addrclt Box C-359, care California Lumber Merchant.
Register And Year Book

; Vcrtcro Logging Lumbcc rd Vood Udry lodulart 193o Editioa Nor Rcrdy , C.overc ell rtatcc Vcrt of ttr Rocticr, BdtLh Colunbia, AL*+ Philippi!.. ..d Herdi. fndurtria inclu& Logsitts Opcrationr, Saw Milb, Shiod" Milb, Wo,odrorlcn, Vood prsrllrr Hrarl fibofrlrlrlqt ra EoF 3a Bo: Shook, Crosr Armr, -$rl, pir"n, Framcn Handlcr, Eribiot, Vcoccr, Coop6;gr, Furaioa., 6lp rd- !.Dc, Lr9L: Vt4-ltt} Brolers, Buyen, Conpany'Gcncrd Siorer, Company Hotcb, Gir Coniirerr'tr, 6ip t'lc oi Borrdinr Ho- cd Cot |&r* rionorr.
Abbey'r Rcgbtcr ir not eiop$ a dircctory of lceding opcratiorn but liro borh lattp ead roelh @6ryt cdt' t ooalb l0O% norr -.-or tf,an any rioiLar bool publfuhcd. Th.r. .t! D.nt rphodid ..Uing .rd buting oeeoculitr .ua 6. -.[ d acdiuo rircd opcradonr.
Abbcy'r Rcairtcr rhorr pcrrcnncl, capacity, cquipmcnt, rpccicr of rood rarcd and all other iafotnacioa ltact o -oSb 6. a.L' to rclect prorpsctt intclligeqdy, and buyerr to placo ordcrr and insuid.. rith an undetranding of rhet e. rrr4 qo roppfy. r: Abbey'r, with itr 72E prrylet and ovcr IO,0OO lidn3r, rnelr rn "o1ur booP' of thc vart Vcrtcrn lrrobc b&rrf: Order your copy to&y.
Oak flooring is a modern necessity for home beauty and utility.
Many an older home can be made in manv can be modernized with new oak cases with ordinary persistence. flooring-a sale that
Recommend Long-Bell trade-marked oak and economy-a name on oak flooring that flooring for its beauty, serviceability helps you make the sale.

Dealers and builders find Long-Bell able. It sells well because its merits trade-marked oak flooring regularly profitare recognized.
LONG BLDG. Lumbermen since r875 KANSAS CITY, MO.
Doglu Fir Lumber, Timbers, Door ad Window Frames, Trimpak; Western Hemlak Lumber; Westem Red Cedar Siding ud Shingles; Southem Pine Lumber ad Timbers; Southern Hardwood Lumber, Timbers and Trimpak; Oak Floring, *CELLized Oak Flmring Strips, *CELLized Oak Flor Planks,*CELLized Oak Floor Blcks; Califomia White Pine Lmber, Sash and Dors, Box Shooks; Creosoted Southem Pire Lumber, Timbers, Posts, Poles, Ties,Guard-Rail Posts' Pihng.