1 minute read
money can buy . . . at no increase in prices
FVER since we first announced - the- new Creo-Dipt Stained Shingleso letters have been pouring in frorn dealers all over the country telling us what an outstanding irnprovernent we have made.
Frankly, we havebeen arnazed at this response. But we can readily understand it, because the New Creo-Dipts have actually been irnproved in two separate and distinct ways: l. NEW UNIFORMCOLORS-LONGER LIFE. First the New Creo-Dipts are stained under pressure in patented Creo-Dipt staining machine. Then each shingle is individually re-coated to force greatest possible arnount of stain deep into the wood, and to keep all pronounced variations in tirnber frorn showing through. The New Creo-Dipts are twice as durable as ordinary shingle's.
2. NEW DUSTPROOF CARTON. The New Creo-Dipts are now packed in special dustproof cartons-sealed against dust and dirt, frorn the lactory to the job. No waste-no broken shingles-you cansdll every carton.
If you haven't already seen the New Creo-Dipts, let us know at onee and we will send our nearest representative around with a carton.