1 minute read
I Every time you buy Redwood lumber, lo you help keep a Californian at work. The Redwood industry employs more than 65OO men; spends more than tl0,00O,OO0 annuallywithin the State.
II Vhen you sell your trade "HEART r'r' REDwooD Rusrrc and srDING", you benefit not only at time of delivery but thru years that follow. Durable "HEART REDWOOD" builds you goodwill. helps you create satisfied customers.
Ever since 1863 "Quality Redwood" f.r,La a . has played its part in the upbuilding of our State. Market conditions have never affected its uniform high quality. Our stock of "DRYHEART CLEAR and SELECT REDV/OOD" enables us to give you PromPt service-straight or mixed cars.