3 minute read
Are You Preparing For The Return of ,'l Prosperity? Think It Over
By Jack Dionne
Are YOU preparing for the return of prosperity?
Are you so handling your private and your business affairs as to accelerate that return?
Or, are you, like the inajority of humans, uttering voluble petitions and mouthy prayers for the return of prosperity, and by your overt acts and your word and your example, standing squarely in the path of progress?
If prosperity returned today, would you recognize him?
ff he came in this minute, would you have your bac\ or your face, turned his way?
You are eagerly waiting for the day when things will again be normal. But have you thought what normalcy means? Probably not. The chances are that you have in mind a certain condition that prevailed in a certain year of the past, and you look upon that particular time and condition as having been normal, and when you say you want things to become normal again, you mean you want those kind of times and conditions that you have in mind.
But normalcy is NOT a fixed condition; NOT a certain level of prices and of demand. Perhaps we are not to have again those particular times that you are thinking of so longingly, which does not mean that things are not to be prosperous, and normal.
For normalcy is continually changing. The relentless force of change is continually dtering the entire fabric of our business life and conditions. Normalcy in l92E would not necessarily be normalcy in 1931, even though busincss swings backward beautifully.
Are you hoping for a return of the conditions of a certain year in the past, or are you preparing for a good l93l? That's redly the big question.
Prosperity is a Prodigal Son for whose return we arc dl hoping. Will we recognize him when he comes? Or will he come in unnoticed whilc we are scanning the far horizon for signs of his return, or rending our nether garments be cause through the partticular colored glasses we are usiagwe see no sign of his coming?
When he comes will he find us prepared to care for him? He won't come to us all at once, remember. There will bc no immediate and universal clue like the blast of a hunter's horn, to tell us that the Prodigal is again within our midst. Don't look for it.
He is coming first to thosc who prepare for him best, who have their houses in order for his rcception. Those who sit on the mourner's bench of busincsr will not discovcr or feel his presence until long aftcr he hae warmcd the hcarts and the hearths of those who have buildcd a bright pathway to their dooea pathway of bolnful wor&, cheerful ttroughts, intelligent forccful worb and a continuity oI efrort to make ttrc best of business, rcgardless of what the condition of that busincss may bc.
No blast of trumpets will tcll thc waiting rcld at 6c time that Prosperity has come bacL No oetcntatious and highly advertised debut wlll dwelop.
To cach man he will come scparately. Thoae who are alive, and active, and hopeful, and punc.hful, and on thc job, and trying to make the best of cvcr;z co'nditim and of cvcry day-they shdl see him futt.
And the gloomy boys on thc mourners'bqrchcs sho bavc quit working, guit trying, quit husding, quit spcnding, quit doing everything they can poesibly do without; quit doing everything except bewailiry tlc vicirsitudce which bavc come upon then-painting thc picture blaclc far tban fancy ever feignefwill be ttc last to dircovcr his prc* ence, if they errer do.
Stop waiting for a return to norodcy. Start wo*ing for a great year 1931. Stop wirhing fo'r conditior rile thcy were in f92E. Why sbouldn't wc get rcady for a 1932 that will make the prosperig ol l9?t lool c.heep?
Stop tdking pcssimismt Ccalc to bc purvcycr of bdcful folderol!
Normalcy, prosperity, invariably will bc formd lighdog first on the shoulder of the guy who nlu to EGGt thco; not of the one who bows his hcad in corros and prayr fot' their coming.
One man's guess is as good as anothcr'$ with rcgard to the immediate future of busincss. Your gucrs i3 as good as Rockefeller's. Minc is as good ar forgan's. Thc bodblack's on ttre corner is as good as tfat of tbe Prcgidcot o[ the biggcst bank
Tben let's all start gucssing tbet pcocpcrity, Ute thc Kingdom of ffeavcn, is "at hand." And lct cvcryz men pull himsclf out of the mcntal rut into which he mey lnvc fdlco, go to doing his level best with his business, w6L bpdutlt instead of hopelcssll, gct out and scratch md dtfc buli. ness like the old hcn does for worms, to the md tbet rhca Prosperity comes, our house will bc in order for bis rccGF *; tion.