1 minute read
llhere Fire flashes,
The fumes of gasoline and oils are loaded with danger. A spark from a motor, the scratch of a match, or the flame from a cigarette may touch ofi an explosion to start a serious fite. Silf-protection demands the most modern methods of storing and dispcnsing gasoline; fireproof construction in walls and foor; "no smoking" rules; and proper fire extinguishers to prevent heavy loss if any accident occurs.
Lumber Mutual insurance is specialized protection for the lumber industry. Its threefold purpose is to prevent fires if possible, to pay losses fairly and promptly, and to reduce insurance cost. It offers safety and saving.
Heavy 6re losses have been suffered from carelessness with gasoline under hazardous conditionr. An uncapped unsafe gasoline tank with a leaking faucet always spells danger-and especially so in association with a lighted match or a burning cigarette, Gaso. line should be stored in underground tanks and carefully dispensed under safe conditions, with a minimum of free fumes and absolute rules against smoking. Handle gasoline with groves,