2 minute read
-Narrow Bandr, Circuhrr, or thc Plencr Srw, ir no 3rcrtcr than othcrr of mucL lowcr quelity. Thcn rgrin, thc longcr rcrvicc end cutting queliticr nrhc thcn moncy rrvcrr fron any angle you nry vicw it.
Tcll yor &da yo vut SIMONDS when yo lrc ddsbt sw&
Some say that Prohibition set Us on our downrvard way, And that's the reason why rve move So sluggishly today; Chain stores are blamed by other men Who seek the reason whv Prosperitl''s receding tide Has left us high and dry.
Some claim the president's to blame, The tariff's scored by others, Intolerance and lack of faith
Is mentioned by our brothers; Corruption in.our courts of law, And graft and greed still share The righteous indignation of Sad hearts borved dorvn by care.
Each has his orvn pet reason rvhy We're going to the dogs, And each rvith plethora of words Our reasoning power befogs. And each has his own remedv With which to cure earth's ilis, Rare medicated soaps and salves. And rectifying pills.
Norv I think rve've ourselves to blame - That when we lost our poise And flew at one another's throats With rvar's alarms and noise, We lost control of this old globe, We shocked and sadly bent'er, And we're depressed because we wrecked Our precious metacenter.
Adeline M. Connor.

What Does Your Association Mean To You?

What Are You Worth To It?
(An Inspirational Escay on Arsociatior)
The success of a local Associition of Lumber Dealerc doer not dcpend upon rulcq c trade prectices. These are all incidental. A local Association is the attitude of mind of a group ef g6ia3s mra. ft ir not an ofrce, not a Secretarye not a President, not a Governing Board, not ofice fumiturc, not a wcclly not . p!ogram. It is not anything material.
A local Association is not the attitude of mind of an individual. It is thc conbincd lpfoitrel rod mcntel v&rcr of a group of men associated together for the service of their burinees intetcrtr, al4 rlhat ir frr mac of ruch simple things in t{reir lives as trust, confidence, afrection for each other, loyalty to cach othcr, end whcn occasion dcmands, coruage and the encouraging and fortifying of each other againrt 4t. gt-Ling do*n of moclc whco bcrct sitt all the discouragement and temptations that come along with a buriness deprcscion.
Any member of a local group who so conducts himself or his busincss ar to dcoy to hir esocirtce 6c right to ba lieve in his business integrity and in his business ability destroys the local Associ.tiod. All 6at b lcft ir e rhcll Thc local Associations may continue outwardly to function, becauce as yet thete is no Lnorn subctiue fc tf,c u1q1al lcgitimate activities of a local Trade groupr but the animating spirit will bc dead.
One single member who defaults on his obligation, whether exprcsscd or implid to hir burincl rpqdricr dcrtrotr thereby the spirit of tfie [oca[ group. How easily such a man could, by mcrely chrnging his eaitudc, dnutetc hil tocd group with the absolute spirit of succels.
One such man can deck himself in the tinsel of glory of whatevet rmdl ratisfecion thcc n y bc in x5a6drg week after week, intentionally or unintentionally, the very best cfiorts of hic busincs egocietcr.
Yet, in many communities, business men are so co-opers'rg with each other 6at burineo ir 63661dy cedcr end life is growing richer, with the riper friendships and the solid satisfaction of 'playing the gemc..
A local Association is not a material thing. It ic spiritual. It is an attitude-+he simplc ettitudc of rpomroenship. Letts be sportsmen!