1 minute read
Flintkote Company Introduces Rextab Shingles on The Pacific Coast
Perhaps one of the most attractive asphalt shingles that has yet made its appearance on the Pacific Coast is called Rextab, a procluct of The Flintkote Company, one of the lvorld's largest producers of asphalt shingles and other asphaltic products.
The nerv shingle is made in strip form s'ith three shal- lorv diamond shaped tabs, and is thirty-six inches long and ten inches deep at its rvidest point. The design is a radical departure from the usual diamond shape or cut-corner style of strip shingle, and rvhen laid up forms an unusual diagonal pattern that tends to express the roof's actual slope, rather than exaggerate or make it apPear less steep than its true pitch. Because of the character of its lines, the' Rextab shingle harmonizes rvell with practically any tyqe of residence. The pattern formed has purposely been made smaller than the conventional designs now on the market and gives a most pleasing blended appearance rvhen various colors are combined. Thus, Rextabs help to eliminate the sharp design effect brought about by the larger types of shingles. I\{oreover, because of its unusual shape, the Rextab -xpresses the spirit of modern design so apparent in present day building materials.
The Flintkote Company report a wide acceptance of the shingle rvherever it has been introduced, attributing its immediate popularity to the fact that homeorvners have been quick to appreciate its beauty and individuality. Efiective advertising helps to assist the dealer in the sale of Rextabs have been largely responsible for its increasing use throughout the eleven western states. Rextab shingles are an exclusive product of the Flintkote Company.
L. W. "Lew" Blinn II, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, rvas a Los Angeles visitor on December 6 to take in the Notre Dame-U.S.C. football game. Nlrs. Blinn accompanied him on the triP.
The many friends of E. de Reynier, of the Reynier Lumber Co., San Francisco, rvho has been for some time in the Colfax Hospital, Colfax, will be glad to hear that he is making good progress torvards recover-v.