1 minute read
Do fou Knovy
that in its plan of intensive, ftiendly, dependable serwice to the California Lumber trade, the Chas. R. McConnick Lumbet Co. maintains
-Four modetn s:rwmills, rated among the finest in the Northwest.
--€omplete creosoting plant on the Columbia River.
-Piling boom at St. Helens, Ore.
A feet of 16 vessels in coastwise trade providing dependable delivery service.
-Distributing and jobbing yards at San Francisco, Wilmington and San Diego-with "o4 the job" tnrcking service.
-Agents in Northern California for FIR-TEX Super Insulation.
Rhyming Repairs
A one by six twelve Is quite useful to shelve
All the things that you use Round the sink; And to put up the which in Most any old kitchin Is easier far than you think. There's many a prank
You can play with a plank
And as board is just Plumb full of trhks, You can sarv it and cut it And plane it and butt it; It rvill build: it will mend; It rvill fix.
You can fix up your fence
With but little expense; For your shoes you can make A nice box.
You can mend the old gate, And before it's too late Build a home for your Plymouth Rock flocks. Now, first save your face With friend rvife and placeIn the clothes press, A rail for some hooks. And then you'll be taking A lot of fun-making A neat little case
For your books.
Build you a cabinet, Shaving kit put in it; Build another for things
You want hidAnd then in the closet
Be sure to deposit A neat covered basketFor Madame's best lid. They're all made of rvood, ' Which makes them so good. You can make'em, I'm telling you facts.
You can buy boards so neat, From Pep on Main Street, Or from Pip, in his yard By the tracks.
New Folder on Redwood
As a part of their aggressive campaign to help employment conditions in California, the Redwood mills have recently issued a trvo-color folder containing an appeal to the public in the state to buy Redwood lumber. This folder has been supplied in large quantities to the retail dealers for distribution to their trade and the public generally.
Several easily read paragraphs giving information about Redwood on pages two and three deal with the strength, versatility, durability, workability and beauty of the wogdAlso on these pages are given five reasons why this lunber merits California's patronage. Two of these, which ere strongly featured, are that the Redwood industry givqr employment to over 6500 men in Californie, and thet it spends each year more than $10,000,m in the st te.