1 minute read
A Great Tribute To A Great Lumberman
(Seldom has any man had such beautiful things said about him, as the remarks that follow. fn.y are excerpts from an address given by the Hon. Frank Andrervs, one of Texas' leading citizens, concerning John Henry Kirby, of Houston, Texas. famous lum-berman, on the occasion of Mr. Kirbv's seventieth birthday dinner).
"Mr. i<irb-y has not onty helped to build literally thousands of young men to maferial success-helped them financially-helped them to positions-helped tnem by encourag'ement, contact, precept, and ex_ ?mple; but, better and over and beyond all this, he has helped them to build good, clean,-and honest character, and to become not only suc,cessful men but good American citizens. He is not one of those who believe that his fellow men are crooks, or liars, or
George H. Osgood, Tacoma, Wash., manufacturer of the well known veneer glue, "Woodrveld," was a Los Angeles visitor the first of the month, where he spent several days calling on the trade, together with his brother, R. S. ,,Bob" Osgood, of Los Angeles, manager of The Wheeler, Osgoocl Co. of California.
thieves, or swindlers. He believes that the impulses of the human ra.ce are good, and that the rvorld is filled with_ good people. He not only loves his fellow man, but he believes in him and wants to give him a prgpel .'chance for the development of the good that is in him. He believes that a person clad ln purple and fine linen, and a person ,clad in rags, each ii tronest at heart; and so believing, he ha1 continuously stretched forth his hand to his less fortunate fello# rnen; and, though he has been imposed upon and de- frauded many times, his faith in God has-never been destroyed; the sweetness of his disposition has never been soured, and he cherishes in hjs warm and generous heart _the great army that he has helped, ivho have succeeded and prospered and built up characters and reputations and businesses for themselves: ancl forgets those who have betrayed him."
H. A. Libbey, of The Little River Redwood Co.. San Francisco, has returned from a seven weeks, business trip to the Middle West and Southwest States.
_ R. O. Wilson, San Francisco wholesaler, was a recent I-os. Angeles visitor, rvhere he spent a few clays calling on the lumber trade.