1 minute read
Bv Jucl Dionne
As" not guaranteed---Some I have told The Maltdr's o[ Him
,'O*, Semple McPherson tells lots df'stories that "plerr-: lidly illustrate the points she makes in her addresses. -, ii ,The other day she was addressing an editorial association, and they asked her how she liked adverse criticisnt. arid publicity in the newspapers.
"Well," she said, "I think it afiects me like the bull pup that the farmer's son got, and put through a course of. training for handling tramps and other undesirable char. acters. When the boy had the pup trained he wanted to see whether he knew his stuff or not, and, there being no
for 20 ycars---Some less
tramp around at the time for him to practice on, he sicked the pup on his father, who was out in the yard gathering wood. The pup took a good grip on the old man, and hung on for dear life. Of course, the father shouted bloody murder, and demanded that the boy call off the dog. The boy was very casual about it. He said, 'Dad, it may hurt you a little, but it will be the makin's of the pupt."
"And," said Amy, "publicity has been the makin's of the pup," and she smilingly tapped her chest.
Union Lumber Co. Executives \(/cstern Pine Ass'n Appoints Hold Conference
Harold P. Plummer, general sales rnanager, IJnion Lum.r ber Co., San Francisco, arrived in San Francisco December 4 from a business trip to the East which occupied about two months. Mr. Plummer was accompanied from Chicago by Sherman A. Bishop, Chicago sales -manager, who will attend a sales conference at the home office.
W. R. Morris, New York sales manager, also arrived in San Francisco December 4, having traveled by plane from New York.
San Leandro Yard Gets Nice Order
Larsen Brothers, San Leandro, are furnishing 150,000 feet of Douglas Fir for the American Legion Building at San Leandro. The lumber was furnished bv Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co.
New District Officer
.Western Pine Association has appointed H. E. Crawford, formerly in charge of the Klamath Falls office, district officer at San Francisco, succeeding L. V. Graham, who resigned effective December 1.
Mr. Graham resigned his position for the purpose of again entering the sales end of the lumber business, and while he is not yet ready to announce his plans for the future it seems certain that he will continue to be identified with California White and Sugar Pine lumber.
L. M. Bullen, district manager, Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., Spokane, recently spent a few days in San Francisco on a business trip.