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Larue Woodson, Nicolai Door Sales Co., San Francisco, returned November 28 from a business trip to Tacoma, where he called on his principals.


James L. Hall, wholesale lumber dealer of San Francisco, has become a member of the California Wholesale Lumber Association.


W. W. Wilkinson, Los Angeles representative of Oregon-Washington Plywood Co., was a recent visitor to San Francisco.

The California Luntber Merchant extends to the Lumber Induswy its sincere wishes fo, a, Mn y Christmas and a,

Catifornia Saw Works

Manufacturers of Saws, Knives, Special Machinery Heat Treating and Gdnding

721 Brannan Street 1407 Santa Fe Ave. San Francisco Loo Angelec

Saw arrd Knifc Sharpening Service in our Repair Department


The world is dying of materialism. Men have exploited everything. They have exploited every material resource' and they have exploitgd God. Materialism must give way to idealism. Look for glory in man; it is there. Bring out the best, and the worst will disappear. First of all you must find your inspiration in God, without which you can do nothing.-Dr. Clifton Macon.

ALIBI f wonder whether you have heard Of that, oh, so convenient word.

That lazy salesman's battle-cry' The labor-saving alibi.

When many days and weeks go by Without an order-alibi.

And whin you are a total loss, An alibi may soothe your boss.

Just alibi your way through lifeIt may work even on your wife.

But when you're passing, lonely, sore, An old man through the poorhouse door

When all'the world has passed you byWhat use will be an alibi?



Been There

A group of tourists were looking into the inferno of Vesuvius in eruption.

"Looks just,tike Hell, doesn't it?" asked an American.

"Oh, zese Americans," exclaimed a Frenchman near by. "Zey have been ever5rwhere.l'


Bride at groceiy store: r'Oh, what,small eggs. The hen should have sat on them longer."

Advice To A Young Farmer

By R.P. T. Coffin

Build your house upon a rise, Make friends with your'arms and thighs.

Dig your spring below a pine, Plant a morning-glory vine.

Have yo.ur bedroom face the dawn, Have windows with no curtains on. '

Though fields lie ready cleared a score, Cut thickets down and make one more.

Sleep an hour in the sun, Talk to your cows when milking's done.

By all that's good, be much alone, Use no man's plow-horse but your own.

Plow as soon as hylas peep, Mow before the crickets cheep.

Never hope to rise in life, Until you have brought home your wife.

Never trust your corn to grow Before you have a son or so.

There is no rain to match a mother, Sons and seeds help on each other.


And then there was the Scotchman who bought a riding outfit, but showed up with only one spur. When asked why, he said that he got one spur for half the price of two, and the way he hatl it figured if he got one side of the horse going the other side would naturally have to come along.

East B.y Lumbermen Will Fill

Many Christmas Kegs

The special committee appointed by East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 to organize the work of filling and distributing nail kegs with groceries for Christmas distribution to needy families in the district reports that they are much encouraged by the many generous promises of East Bay lumbermen. This will be the third annual filling of Christmas kegs. The committee points out that there is no organization expense. Every penny goes for groceries ancl meat.

The committee is as follows: Gordon pierce, Boorman Lumber Co., chairman; Henry Hink, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co. ; Miland R. Grant, Western Door & Sash Co.; Jerry Bonnington, Wendling-Nathan Co.; John Tyson, Sunset Lumber Co.; H. Sewall Morton, Hill & Morton, Inc., and C. L Gilbert, Eureka Mill & Lumber Co.

Looks to the Industrial Future

Washington, Dec. 7.-The Code Authority Organization Committee recently established by the N.R.A. is considered as the chief approach of the N.R.A. to the permanent organization of industry in the future under governmental supervision.

The members of this committee as announced by the National Recovery Administrator, are R. W. Lea, Chairman; Dr. Leo Wolman, Labor Advisory Board; Louis Kirstein, Industrial Advisory Board; Dr. Wilson Comp- ton, National Lumber Manufacturers Association, Jrade Association Division; Blackwell Smith, Legal Division; Franklin S. Pollak, Compliance Division. They will have the benefit of advice from the following government of_ ficers: Edward McGrady, Department of Labor; Judge Harold Stephens, Department of Justice; Colonel b. H. March, Federal Trade Commission; Edwin B. George, Trade Association Section, Department of Commerce.

This Committee is charged with the duty of submitting model administrative provisions for future codes, analyzing administrative provisions in existing codes and, if necessary, submit proposed modificatioris of such provisions. The committee will consider and advise on plans proposed for Code Authority and trade association organization for industrial self-government. It will also advise and assist deputy administrators in their Code organization work and consider and advise regarding coordinating the plans of industry for Code administration with those of the N.R.A.

While the definition of the authority of this committee does not directly refer to what may come after the Na_ tional Industrial Recovery Act expires, it is believed by all who are in close touch with the N.R.A. that the Code Authority Organization Committee will gradually shape the permanent plans that will be eventually submitted to Congress by the Government for industrial self-government under public supervision, which is expected to evolve from the present experience'under the N.I.R.A.

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