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Los Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for sale. Address Box C-480. Care California Lumber Merchant.
Manufacturer's Acc.ount wanted for White Pine Lumber and Moulding for Fort Worth and Dallas, Texas, territory. Address Box C-499, California Lumber Merchant.
Orange County Lumbermen Hold Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club was held at Fullerton, Calif., on Tuesday evening, November 28, 1933. The following directors were elected: John Christiansen, Barr Lumber Co., Orange; R. A. Emison. Santa Ana Lumber Co., Santa Ana; Ernest Ganahl, Ganahl-Grim Lumber Co., Anaheim; F. N. Gibbs, Gibl>s Lumber Co., Anaheim; J. H. Newman, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Brea; C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co., Whittier, and W. S. Spicer, Bay District Lumber Co., Newport Beach.
Following the annual meeting, the newly elected directors held a business session and elected John Christiansen president for the ensuing year. He succeeds F. N. Gibbs who served as president during the past year. Leslie Pearson, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Santa Ana, was reelected treasurer,
Report Buyers' Move to Obtain
\(/holesale Discounts
Washington, D. C., November Z8-Reports to the effect that retailers and large consumers are organizing "numerous companies" for the purpose of securing wholesale discounts have caused the Lumber Code Authority to caution its administrative agencies with reference to such possible raids on the minimum price strutture.
"Please report immediately to this office," declares a bulletin to divisions signed by Ray Weiss, Trade Practices Department Chief, "all instances of this character coming to the attention of you and your members. Such reports should present all evidence possible to secure, as we consider collection of evidence of this chatacter of the utmost importance. It is our purpose to vigorously enforce the provisions of Schedule B now in effect and we ask your cooperation, assistance and suggestions to accomplish this end,"
A position by young man of good habits, experienced in yard and office work both retail and wholesale lumber business. Can run bookkeeping and billing machine, also has bank experience. Will go anywhere. References given. Address C-500, The California Lumber Merchant.
Expansion by S. F. Firm Compels Move to Larger Quarters
W. J. Nlulligan & Co., exporters and wholesalers of West Coast lumber, have just completed a lease of an entire building at 520 Montgomery Street, ,corirer of Commercial, in the finan,cial district ,of San Fran,cis,co, to house their activities.
This 'company has recently expanded its import business, necessitating larger quarters, and will occupy the entire building. W. J. Mulligan & Co. expect to be established in their new quarters Monday, December 18th. They will still maintain their same telephone number, Garfield 6890.
Wholesale Association Elect Olficers
California Wholesale Lumber Association re-elected its officers at the annual meeting held in San Francisco December 11. The offi,cers are: President and General Manager, Frank J. O'Connor, Donovan Lumber Co., San Francisco; Vice-president, M. L. "Duke" Euphrat, WendlingNathan Co., San Francisco; Treasurer, James Tyson, The Charles Nelson Co., San Francisco; Secretary, Miss N. Savage.
\(eyerhaeuser Sales Company Has Ne* S. F. Representative
E. E. Arthur has been appointed district representative with headquarters in San Francisco for Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., succeeding W. E. Barwick, who has resigned.
Mr. Arthur, who took up his new duties December 1, has been the company's district representative at Portland for the past four years, and prior to that period had con.siderable experience in the wholesale and manufacturing ends of the lumber business.
Gene Rutledge Visits California
W. E. "Gene" Rutledge, Eastern sales manager of the lfamm,ond Lumber Company, with headquarters in New York, is paying a visit to the head office in San Francisco, and to the company's big Redwood plant at Samoa. He leaves for New York De,cember 16. lq
The cominq year will mark the 59th anniversary of the foundinq of the Long-Bell Lumber Company by Mr. R. A. Lonq, head of our organization. His business associates recently asked Mr. Long for an expression of his thoughts on Christmas. This he has done and, in appreciation of the fine sentiment he conveys, we desire to pass it on to our friends along with his latest photosraph, as a Christmas greeting from the entire Lonq-Bell family.

R. A. LONG Choirmon
The emblem of Christmcrs is the sicrr of Bethlehem. And just qs it led the wise men of old time it cqn crnd does leqd men todoy. Its rays ore bright, but to see it one must look up, not down. Forwqrd, not bqck. It rewqrds those who seek it with new hope, new foith, new courqge.
Somehow ot Christmqs time the world inclines its heort to such thoughts os these. Thot is the wonderful thing obout Christmos-this universql mood, this deep ionging for greqter foith, hope, qnd couroge. Todoy the world is hungry for them. Yet, not oll will look of their own cccord for this stor of Bethlehem. Let you qnd me ond oll of us who know its blessed grqce, point the woy. Whot finer gift thon this to q wcriting, groping, bewildered world!
I know full well thot greot stqtesmen crre endeavoring-ond with success-to untangle the snqrls which hqve enmeshed mcrnkind everywhere. They need ond well deserve the cooperqtion of everyone. Thqt, too, is o Christion duty. But my pleo todoy is thot the spirituol side of existence be recognized qs well, lest sight be lost of the greoter thing-the octual brotherhood of mon qnd the fotherhood of God which, qfter qli, olone con bring to fulfillment the hope of the world: "Peoce on eqrth ond good will towcrrd men." Of such, to me, is the spirit o{ Christmcs.