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Our well assortd stocks, our well known dealer policy and our cencal location guaf' antee the kind of SERVICE you demand. For remodeling and modernizingthey are red economy.
955967 sorrrE ALAMEDA sTRaBT
TalcpbncTRinitl cr,57
Ivfailirg.lddrcr: P. O. Bor 96, Arczdc Station IOS ANGEI F'S. CAUFORNIA
Do you think Der Fuehrer
Could keep being Der Fuehrer
If he saw what everybody else sees When he looked in the muehrer?
He thinks the best seller of the year would be ,.The private Life of the Wife of a Siamese Twin.,'
That man may last, but never lives Who much receives but nothing gives, Whom none can love, whom none can thank, Creation's blot, creation's blank.
Cigar Butts
And the modern philosopher says that the best proof he has that conditions are improving is the fact that the cigar butts you see in the gutter are half an inch longer on the average than they were a year ago.
Accepting Responsibility
There is no more valuable subordinate than ihe man to whom you can give a piece of work and then forget it in the confident expectation that the next time it is brought to your attention it will come in the form of a report that the thing has been done. When this self reliant quality is joined to executive power, loyalty, and comnion sense, the result is a man whom you can trust.
On the other hand, there is no greater nuisance to a man heavily burdened with the direction of affairs than the weak backed assistant who is continually trying to get his chief to do his work for him on the feeble plea that he thought the chief would like to decide this or that for himself. The man to whom the executive is most grateful, the man whom he will work hardest and value most, is the man who accepts responsibility willingly.-Gifford pinchot.
The Shepherdess
She walks-the lady of my delightA shepherdess of sheep.
Her flocks are thoughts, she keeps them white; She guards them from the steep.
She feeds them on the fragrant height, And folds thein in for sleep.
She roams maternal hills and bright Dark valleys, safe and deep. Into that tender breast at night
The chastest stars may peep. She walks-the lady of my delightA shepherdess of sheep.
She holds my little thoughts in sight, Though gay they run and leap, She is so circumspect and right; She has her soul to keep. She walks-the lady of my delightA shepherdess of sheep.
-By Alice Maynell.
Exchanged Thoughts
The teacher wrote on the margin of little Betty's report card:
"Good worker, but talks too much."
Betty's father wrote on the opposite margin when it was returned:
"Come up some time, and meet her mother."
The Common School
The sheet-anchor of the Ship of State is the common school. Teach, first and last, Americanism. Let no youth leave the school without being ttroroughly grounded in the history, the principles, the incalculable blessings of American Liberty. .I-et the boys be the trained soldiers of constitutional freedom, the girls the intelligent lovers of free-
M. Depew.
Tells Story of Coast Production of White Portland Cement
The interesting story of horv White portland cement came to be manufactured on the Pacific Coast was told in an interview by H. C. Maginn, sales manager of the Calaveras Cement Company. Mr. Magrnn says:
"For many years, the only white portland cements available on the Pacific Coast were those manufactured on the Atlantic seaboard and shipped around through the Panama Canal to Pacific Coast points. Transportation costs, combined with warehouse charges at Pacific Coast ports, resulted in high prices to users. The architect and builder who wanted to use white portland cement to produce an attractive and permanent color scheme in his finished structure, was confronted with the prohibitive cost of the imported product.
"After years of research, the Calaveras Cement Company produced Calaveras White portland cement. Calaveras White is manufactured in the plant located at San Andreas, with the same skill and uniformity as other Calaveras cements. Nearness to Pacific Coast markets and relatively low transportation costs permitted the placing of Calaveras.White portland cement in the hands of distributors at substantial redirctions in prices from those formerly charged for imported products.
"Lumber dealers, realizing that it was possible to obtain prompt delivery of fresh stocks of a locally manufactured white portland cement at a much lower price than formerly, were quick to pass the saving on to their customers.
"Calaveras White portland cement is a true portland cement, manufactured in a California mill, equipped with the most up-to-date machinery for the manufacture of white cement. ft exceeds by a wide margin the specifications of the American Society of 'Testing Materials, it is non-staining, and is of a lasting white color. It is approved for use by building officials of municipalities, the State of California and the Federal Government. Many examples of its use are to be found on the Pacific Coast v'here it has been utilizeilt'in the exterior finish of stucco, concrete or masonry structures whether in new work or in modernization.
"The lumber dealer's customers such as plasterers, tile setters, contractors and others have taken advantage of the redu,ced prices. The manufacturer of ,cement paint and stucco can furnish his material to the lumber dealer cheaper because of the reduced prices of Calaveras White. Calaveras engineers are conversant with the many advantages to be obtained from the use of Calaveras White portland cement, and welcome the opportunity of working with you on your protblems. Dealers will please advise them if thev can be of assistance.
"Fresh stocks of Calaveras White portland cement may be procured from us direct in Northern California or from the dealer's favorite cement mannfacturer, in Southern California."
Harry Eastman and Hez Montgomery. sales representatives for E. L. Reitz Company, Los Angeles, are back from a two weeks' trip in the Northwest tvhere they visited the mills the comDany represents in Southern California.