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A APTONG ttre new products or Industries which have been developed in recent years,twelve appear to hold unusual promise.
Air conditioning, Plastics, Diesel Power-these, and nine additional indusries with striking investment potentials are discussed in the current Brookmire Analst, Vrite toda11 for a complimentary cop! of Balletitt M 19
Back at Work
I went to buy a hatchet
Wrth which to fell a tree; "We cannot sell you hatchets no.w," The merchant said to me; !'For goodness sake why not?" I cried All bothered and amazed, "We've buried them," he gravely said, "For which the Lord be praised !"
"Well, let me have a hammer then," I petulantly cried, "All right," said he, "but there are rules By which you must abide; You can't go out at will you know, Knock knocking through the town; These hammers are {or building up And not for tearing down."
I listened for wild diatribes Upon my radioIt fairly spouted words of wrath
A few short days ago;
But every air wave had been tamedAll seemed serene and bright; The programs were if anything, A bit too sweet and-light.
"Why are we all so friendly now ?"
Asked little Willie Tait; "We're settling down to work," I said, "And can't find time for hate; There are so many things to do, So many goals to reach, I would enlarge upon this theme, If I knew how to preach."
\. Merriam Conner
C. C. Stibich, Tahoe Sugar Pine Company, San Franclsco, rvas reelected president of the San Francisco Lumbermen's Club for 1937, and Edward R. Tietjen, Sudden & Christenson, San Francisco, was reelected secretary, at the regular weekly luncheon meeting held at the Engineers' Club, San Francisco, Monday, December 7.
The Western Pine Association's sound picture will be shown to the members at one of the January meetings.
Wllltlll$0ll and BU0I
318 Vest 9th St. Lor Angeler - TUcter 1431
Manufacturerst Agentr
Douglas FirSptuceHemlockCedar ShinglesLath