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Your Gustomers Enioy These Advantages When You Sell
O Here's the outstanding improvement in lumber-a sheathing, siding, lining, ceiling item that is tongued and grooved on both edges and ends.
Ends of these boards do not have to be joined o'rrer studs or joists. Consequendy, diagonal sheathing wirh ENDLESS LUMBER costs nq more than horizontal application and givts as much as seven times greater bracing strength.
You can protect your lumber market, make a legitimate profit on every sale, and build up a sub,stantial volume with this modern, imprwed, time-saving, labor-saving, waste-saving, money-saving lumber!
ENDLESS is but one of several improved 4-SQUARE Lumber items leatured by Weyerhaeuser in consumer advertising which bring easier, prolitable sales to 4-SQUARE Dealers. use the coupon to get full details on ENDLESS LUMBER and on other 4SQLIARE products.
Lumber Institute Celebrates 1Oth Anniversary
The tenth anniversary banquet of the Lumber and Allied Products Institute was held at the Elks Club, Los Angeles, Tuesday evening, November 30. There were 22I ih attendance.
Hal Baly, Frank Curran, Guy L. Ctzner, T. L. Ely, E. F. Ganahl, H. W. Mcleod and H. S. Patten were the guests of honor of the Institute. These retail lumbermen, together with the late C. G. Lynch, started the organization on November D,1927.
There were no speeches or business transacted, it was just a general get-together and good fellowship meeting to honor the organizers of the Institute and to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the association.
At 6:00 p.m., the retailers began to assemble in the Club's lounge and a half hour later a splendid steak dinner was served.
Following the dinner there rvas a fine floor sho.rv with Kearney Walton as master of ceremonies. The entertainment numbers included: "Sons of the Pioneers," who are heard regularly over the Columbia Broadcasting System and also well known for their work in moving pictures, in their hill billy act; John Tejo and his parrot; Arden Sisters, singi.ng and dancing; Linden London in songs; a comedy trio in the skit, "Charlie, the }forse;" and Kearney Walton, baritone soloist.
Patrick & Marsh's orchestra furnished music during the dinner hour and for the floor show.
Heavy Rainfall Overflows Plant--Operations Resumed in Twenty-four Hours
The following telegrarn was received as we went to press:
13, L937.
Six inches of rain in two days overflowed the plant of The Red River Lumber Company employing three thousand men. Heroic efforts kept the power house in operation supplying steam heat, light and water to the town of seven thousand. Ten thousand hydro electric horsepower were available and locomotives were coupled on to steam lines. Company officials state today that all plant operations will be resumed within twenty-four hours.
(Signed) W. B. Laughead.
Charles S. Cowan announces the association of Albert Moss with him as partner in the continuation of the practice of public accounting in Seattle. Mr. Moss has been continuously with the firm since 1919, and for some years rvas manager of a branch office and later as senior member of the staff at Seattle.
The practice will be conducted under the firm name of C. S. Cowan & Co.
*Advefic€menb appear in alternate issue. fnsulite Company, The ---------r Sampson Company _______--____-___-22
Johnson Lumber Corporation, C. D. -----------2t
Koehl & Sons, Inc., Jno. W. Kuhl Lumber Co., CarI H. --------------,-- -----------.29
Lamon-Bonningtotn Company -,-------------- --
Lawrence.Philips Llmber Co. ,-, Lofgren, Alvin N. Lumberments Credit Association
MacDonald & Harrington, Ltd. ---,---------- ----18