2 minute read

Merry Christmas

To You. May the New Year

bring to our Country crnd our Allies prompt Victory trnd to the World a sctisIcrc"tory and lqsting Pecce!




Ties, Poles, Piling, PlYwood' Prelabricated Wood Matericls, Lurnber

1032 Mills Buildinsr SAN F.RANCISCO 4, CAIJF.

Bright Prorpect for Wood Survey Shows

That properly directed timely promotion witl stimulaie l woodwork sales for its important part in postwar hogq*, construction is indicated by the results of a recent surveyt conducted by Ponderosa Pine Woodwork of Chicago arnong; inquirers for Open House in 1941 (two years "So). '!1j per cent of those interviewed have already done some buil ing. D per cent were prevented from building owing- t$l restrictions. 79 per cent of those interviewed stated that:1 the ideas presented in Open House, the 32-page bookl published by Ponderosa Pine Woodwork, proved of co1. siderable help to them in their flanning; and, b-est of al!,, more than half of those who did build or remodel state'(:'; they had used Ponderosa Pine doors and w.indows. ,.' .i

From cover to cover, the "Open House" booklet is: packed full bf helpful ideas for the prospective home builder, i or remodeler. It presents wood in a new light-as a veJ--rtl satile, more economical, more satisfactory and decorativg-1i home material. Woodwork is the backbone of the home,,;' fts architectural design forms a background for furnishings.,a;-Yii and decorations. Its good taste means lasting beauty--.,,{;; ,l:i.1 and lasting value. Many new developments, such as toxirt' treatment, supplement the natural durability of wood and,1i1 lend new emphasis to its desirability. ' ,"i"{

The worthwhile hints presented in "Open HouSe" for a{l';i the rooms of the home are.proving of inestimable val.ge;''i;1i

The proper placing of windows to let in the maximutt\ oq"l health-giving sunshine and light, the placement of doorq^,f and built-in cabinets and cupboards to increase the beaut r;"li and livability of rooms and the space-saving, step-saving built-in cabinets and storage closets are presented in sim-':''r: ple, easily understandable language. "Open 11on5s" is 'l building a new reputation for wood and new sales foq i'ii:', ;woodwork dealers. ':,

Van Dyke On Trees

But the glory of trees is more than their gifts

'Tis a beautiful wonder of life that lifts

From a wrinkled seed in an earth-bound clod, A column, an arch, in the temPle of God; A pillar of power, a dome of delight, A shrine of song and a joy of sight.


A retail lumber friend of ours tells this priceless''' story. A farmer of the smaller sort came to his yard.',' to buy the material for a farm-wagon bed. He was ., just a two-team, single-plow farmer. When he made ' his purchase the dealer handed him a ticket to sigp r for a priority for the material. The farmer turned to ' his wagon and came back with an ink pad and a rub-' ber stamp of his own signature. He said to the lum-'| ber dealer: "As poorly as I write and with help. so scarce I just had to get this here thing so I could-i save time enough to try and make a crop' what with ';, all these Government reports and papers." '.il

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