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D.C.Essley & Son

D.C.Essley & Son

Fron the l)eeember I5e lrol2il, fssue

A. J. Russell, Santa Fe attended the Red Cedar 6-7 at Seattle. Wash.

Company, San Francisco, Congress on December Lumber Shingle

This issue carried an artictre and illustration of ,the Sterling Lumber Company's exhibit at the Prune and Apricot Association Exposition held at Mountain View.

John C. Light, Miami, Arizona, retail lumberman, started on a five months' automobile tour visiting friends at various places in Arizona an'd California.

Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, who are located in suite 405-6-7, Lumbermen's Building, 110 Market Street, San Francisco, moved to larger quarters in the same building, suite ffi2-3-4-5-6.

At the regular weekly luncheon of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisgo held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, on November 26, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Charles H. Moody, president; Mel N. Salomon, vibe president, and J. E. Martin, secretarytreasurer.

. piiteen Kittens were initated at a concatenation at Oro- ' ville following the meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lum' bermen's- Club and a visit to the plant of the Hutchinson ' . Lumder Company

Salinas, pur'chased the- , Supply Co., at Pacifiq

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