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D.C.Essley & Son


Vcrncouver Plywood d Veener Co.


909 Atlcntic Blvd.

Los Angeles 22 ANselus 2-1183 again desire to extend best ruishes t'or Cltrittmat and the

Christmas Trees

Xlost people u,ho want Christrnas trees will be able to to get them, from all present indications, the War Production Board states. They may, horvever, be more dependent on local supplies thar.r in former \iears, l'ith less choice in rnaking their selection. Christmas trees are not subject to an1' WPB procluction or distrillution controls, but shortgages of manpo\\rer ancl transportation facilities will undoubtedll. iimit the supplv. From 10,000,0O0 to 12,000,000 trees are norm:rlly cut ancl distributed annually. Estimates of the nurnbcr that rvill be han'ested commercially for this Christm:rs season varl-. ()ne nation-n'ide distributor reports that the output will be about the same as last 1'ear; other sorlrces expect large decreases in production. More trees n'ill probably be harvested and sold locally to avoid lonq haulasc.

(Continued from Page 73)

Conrcrd Ccrrlson

Funeral serr.ices r,vere held November 27 at Ihe Chapel of the Chimes, Oakland, for Conrad Carlson, rvho passed au'av November 25 just tr,r'o n'eeks before his 10oth birthday.

One of the founders of the Srvedish Lutheran Church in Oaklancl, he retired fron.r tl.re oakland city maintenance clepartment 30 years ago, and u,as active up to the time of his passing.

He is srrrvivecl by his son, Earl A. Carlson, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco; his daughter, Mrs. Edith Lander, Ernerald Lake, with rvhom he made his home; and three granclchildren, Miss Avis Lander, U. S. Marine Corps; Earl K. Carlson, 3rd Class P. O., U. S. Navy; and James Russcll Carlson, Pfc., U. S. Air Corps.

J. M. Montgomery

John \'[cYer- ]Iontgornerr', 57, tlvirr lrrother of Dorr S. Montgomerl., secretarv of the Wiscor.rsin Retail Lumberrncn's Association, passed at'af in Oakland November 14.

I'Ir. N'Iontgomer)', knol-n to his fricnds as "Monty", retircrl from tl're lunrlrcr bttsiness altotrt 10 )'ears ago. He u'as Northern California representative for Silver Falls Timber Co. for some vears and later lvas in the wholesalc and commission lumber llusiness in Berkeley, Calif.

T{e is survived ltv a son! a sister, and his brother, Don Nkrntgomery.

Mcry we qll resolve thcrt each one oI us dediccte h i s ellorts crnd energies towcrrd VICTORY crnd the return ol Pecrce, exempliIied by this doy's observcrnce.

Hours of Yuletide W s

i-ike the song of :r peacc{ul river, W C)r the {ragrance of u'il<hvoo<l flowers, Y^ lrach year at the time appointe<l S

Conre the beautifrrl Yuletide hours; W Ancl s,itl.r them the Christmas Spirit, W From regions bevond our ketr, H.

L,rrters anrl takes possessiott ffi

Of the rcstless l.rearts of tnen. S

-\ncl this is the mission of Yuletide, W This its magical art, ffi To kinclle {lames of enchantment 4s

In shrir.res of thc human heart; I

To rvaken found recollections S

O{ the clal's that are 1lo tttore ffi

-\ncl illulnine rvith thc torch of vuisclom, # 'l-l.rc pathn'ar.s tlrat lic bcforc. S ffi

-\n<i u'ith iaith in ottr tlrcattrs ttnd visions ffi

Of the years that arc to be, ffi

\\rc lingcr :ru'l.rilc u'ith thc clrilclrct.t ffi

An<l shalc in thcir Yrrlctitlc glec; I

-\nrl u'e thir-rk as \\rc scc thcrrr plaving, ffi

Tn thc firelight's rucldy glou', & Jt is ours to nrake straight thc pathrvays & Where thcir tcncler {eet must go. #

We pray that the Christmas Spirit ffi

JIav be u,ith us day by day, ffi

As u.e turn from the joys of Yuletide tffi To the heat and dust of the fra1. ; ffi r\r'rr1 r-nay rve toil onu'arcl-onu'arc1, tB

Tou.arcl that goal of infinite worth, S 1-he shining dream of the ages, # I'eacc and Good Will on Earth. S

-A. Merriam Conner. # ffi ffi ffi hhHthhhh:?rFr]hFi-kPt-FtFrFrFtFi*tBtd!

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