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W. T. BLACK Adverti:ing McacAer
Restriction on Delivery and Receipts How Lumber Looks Of Western Pine Lumber
Owing to a critically short supply of Western Pine lumber, tlre WPB has issued Direction 2a to L-335, effective December 2, 1911, limiting the receipt of such lumber to only such consumers rvho have specific authorization from WPB.
Hereafter, the usual authorization on Form WPB-3640 for Class I Consumer to receive lumber generally is not of itself sufficient authorization for such consumer to receive Western Pine lumber. The authorization must state specifically that the Class I Consumer may receive a specified amount of Western Pine lumber. A Class I Consumer who has been authorized to receive an amount of Western Pine lumber must use the certificate in paragraph (e) of the order, in addition to the regular certificate required by L-335, and insert the case number assigned.
Class II Consumers and farmers are likewise prohibited from placing orders for Western Pine lumber, unless authorized by WPB in writing, in which case the certificate in paragraph (e) must be used, as rvell as the case number supplied by WPB.
Direction 2a does not affect any supply of Western Pine lumber in the inventory of a retail distributor; any Western Pine lumber received by a retail yard before December 31, 1944; nor any Western Pine lumber which has been placed in transit by a sawmill prior to December 31, 1944No orders may be placed rvith sawmills covered by the order after Dec. 2, 7944, for Idaho White Pine, Ponderosa
The Western r.ember. 18, 109 feet, shipments Ieet. Orders on 295,000 feet.
Pine Association for the week ended Nomills reporting, gave orders as 59,906,000 67,225,W feet, and production 67,5n,000 hand at the end of the week totaled 393,-
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended November 25, % units (142 mills) reporting, gave orders as 76,224,000 feet, shipments 15,110,000 feet, and production 16,764,@0 f.eet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 109,281,000 feet.
The West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended November 25, 176 mills reporting, gave orders as 97,703,m feet, shipments 94,928,000 feet, and production 94,429,ffi f.eet.
The California Redwood Association reported production of thirteen operations for the month of October, 1944, as 40,747,@O feet, shipments 35,348,000 feet, and orders received 31,208,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the month totaled 77.851.000 feet.
Pine or Sugar Pine, without one of the certifications in paragraph (e) and (f). Orders placed with sawmills before Dec. 2, 1944, without such certification may be placed in transit any time before Dec. 31, 1944. This direction does not apply to Western Pine produced by mills cutting less than 10,000 feet per day.