1 minute read


WOOD PRF5ERVATIOI$ to be effectve, salk fe1 plenty of push to drive tbe preservative deep into the vrood. Painting it on or dipping gives an illusion of adequacy, but it's a case of "only skin deep"-unable to handle the hard jobs expected of treated lumber.

PRESSURF TREATIIENT is the basis on which all the wood-preserving industry's service records are built. Pressure treabnent with Wolman Salts* preservative produces Wolmanized Lumber*wood with abihty to stand up on the toughest jobs. Its dependability has been proved by millions of feet, some in service nearly twenty years.

OUR PILOT PTANIS start with the pressure process as a .ulusf. Constant research there, in the laboratory, and in the field, is helping to make wood treahrent even more effective.

American Lumber & Treating Company, 1648 McCormick Building, Chicago 4, Illinois. rRegiatered

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