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They Dont Build a Better Rig -t6a,oRoss"
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The greot gcollotttto- r :- rha modern moke them indispensoble in the moot lumber uurin""' ln ti" *"1"1"^-::to'
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Truck ofter' t*:;;.;i f or'ti"red srorins. of the"third dimensto" L^ -".tne Proln oddition' this versotil" t"":nl::^ vides o *"0u",'"*"rtless ond lt-l't"u merhod n ,oor,nn trucks ttt,t:l[I.
Ross Lift'Trucks ore mode in 6 m r^oDEt l2'H1O -l'li*5;"""'1.'
News of Our Friends in the Services
The two sons of Gardner P. Pond, vice president of J. H. Baxter & Co., Los Angeles, Lieut. Baxter H. pond, and Lieut. Gardner P. Pond, Jr., are in the U. S. Army Air Corps. Both have been in training for some time. Baxter, who was associated with J. H. Baxter & Co. at Eugene, Ore., for three years, received his wings three months ago, and his younger brother graduated about a month ago.
Both are now taking transitional training in the Middlewest as pilots of B-17 bombers, prior to going overseas.
T/5lohn R. Osgood, who is in training with the infantry at Camp Butner, North Carolina, has had visits with several of his father's old friends in that area, who have treated him very nicely. John is the son of Robert S. Osgood, Los Angeles lumberman.
Capt. E. L. Reitz, Quartermaster Corps, stationed in Washington, D. C., was fh Los Angeles early this month on his way to visit CPA officves in San Francisco and Portland. He is the head of the E. L. Reitz Lumber Co., Los Angeles.
S/Sgt. Allan Young, Army Air Corps, stationed in Italy, has completed 25 missions, and is looking forward to a trip home when he reaches the fifty mark. He was with the Ed Fountain Lumber Co., Los Angeles, when he entered the service.