6 minute read
Season's Greetingrs
building to five stories, ancl provided 78 much needed units to help ease the critical housing condition in Los Angeles.
Koll & Richley have leased the building to the g'overnment for seven years, during which time the latter expects to get back all of its investment from operating the building. The partners will have an extremely desirable property rvhen the government goes out of the apartment busiNESS.
The apartments were rented quickly, of course, and without any advertising, exclusively to war rvorkers.
Insured Home Loans to Veterans by Private Lending Institutions
The Federal Housing Administration acted today expedite the making of insured home loans to veterans private lending institutions under the terms of the GI of Rights.
H. Kunl
to by Bill
Announcement was made by Abner H. Ferguson, Commissioner of the FHA, that the organization's field offices are now accepting from private lending institutions applications for the insurance of principal loans supplemented by loans under Section 505 of the GI Bill.
These are cases where the Veterans' Administration guarantees an equity loan not to exceed $2,000, and where the principal loan, which must comply with FHA regulations, is insured by the FHA.
Instructions regarding the acceptance and processing of applications for the FHA insured loans have been furnished to all the 62 FHA field offices. The usual FHA procedure will be followed in handling the applications. Notification has been sent to the more than 13,000 private financial institutions approved to make FHA insured loans of the changes made necessary in FHA regulations to comply with the provisions of the GI Bill.
Equity loans, not to exceed 20 percent of the reasonable normal value of the property up to $2,000, may be guaranteed by the Veterans' Administration and are junior to the FHA insured loan, which may be repaid in monthly installments covering principal, interest, taxes and hazard insurance, and the f percent insurance premium, .over a period up to 25 years. '
"Purchase of a home by a veteran may be the most important financial transaction of his lifetime," said Commissioner Ferguson. "Most of these veterans, like other Americans, will be inexperien'ced in the intricacies of a real estate transaction.
"A mistake in the nature of 'bad buying' or over-buying can cause them plenty of grief in the years to come. The danger of making such a mistake is especially acute under present market conditions in many areas. The veteran should have all the protection that can be given from everyone involved in the transaction-the broker, the builder, the banker. The Federal Housing Administration with its sound system of unbiased appraisal is going to do its part."
Terrible Twenty GoU Tourncment
The 722nd, Terrible Twenty golf tournament was held at the Annandale Golf Club, Pasadena, November 14. Bob Osgood and Abe Jackson acted as hosts, and there were sixteen rnembers and five guests present. A buffet supper was served in the evening.
Sid Alling turned in a net 74, winning first prize, and was awarded a sport shirt. Roy Pitcher rang up a net 75 and won the second prize, a sport shirt. Bob Mason was welcomed into the Terrible Twenty.
Roy Stanton will be in charge of the arrangements for the December meeting, the annual Christmas party, which will be held at the Los Angeles Country Club.
Christmas Greetings
Best Wishes For 1945
Genercrl Office
Crockef Bldg., Scn Frcncisco 4, Cqlil.
Southern Cclilornicr Office crnd Ycrrd
1240 Blinn Ave., Wilmingrton, Cclil., P. O. Box 548
Changes Affecting Prices of West Coast Logs
Washington, r\ov. Z7-Restoration of premium prices for Noble fir air'craft grade logs to encourage special selection <.rf these logs for increased needs in the military aircraft production program was announced today by the Office of Price Administration.
The prices, which become effective November 25, L944, are being restored at the request of the War production Board.
'-fhe prices restored for aircraft grade Noble fir logs are $45 per 1,000 feet, log scale in the Puget Sound, Willapb Bay-Grays Harbor and Columbia River districts, and, reflecting the usual $2 differential, $43 per 1,000 feet in the Tillamook district.
The premium prices had been in efiect up to May of this year when demand for aircraft grade logs of the Noble fir species had been met, and with the concurrence of the War Production Board, the grade and premium prices were removed.
Between May and the present tirne, ceiling prices for airtraft grade logs of the species had been those established for such logs suitable for peeling, or $35 per 1,000 feet in the Puget Sound, Willapa Bay-Grays Harbor and Columbia River districts, and $33 per 1,000 feet in the Tillamook district.
The premium price is being restored because of an unforeseen increase in requirements submitted by the Army Air Forces, OPA said.
In another change affecting prices of West Coast logs, OPA announced that effective November 25, 1944 the additions that may be made to maximum prices for overtime work of 54 and 6O hours or more per week are cancelled.
HANDWOOD LT'MBER\IEMF.RS ll5l South Brocdwcry, Los Angeles
Wood.Moscic Co., Louieville, Ky.
Ichqbod T. Willicrme d Son, New Yorlr, N. Y. Veneer Products Corporctlon
Loggers may continue to add $1 per 1,000 feet to prices when their labor forces work over 48 hours per week, but that is all. Cancelled November 25 are the additions of $1.50 per 1,000 feet for 54 to 59-hour work weeks and 92 per 1,000 feet for 60 hours or more.
F"-"-"-"I q,W sieagon'B @reetingt and flLl @so! gadbes tor 1945 to Our Many Friends
Oregon-Wcshington Plywood Co.
Texcrs Creosoting Compcny
Dcnt & Russell, Inc.
Penokce Venccr Co., Mcllcn, Wieconrln 318
Los Angeles 15, Calil.
To reduce paperwork, loggers making overtime additions to maximum prices no longer will be required to secure OPA approval of such additions when weather conditions, labor stoppages or transportation interruptions beyond their control cause the work week to lall below the full overtime basis. They must, however, notify the appropriate OPA district office when such interruptions occur.
The overtime additions for 54 and 60-hour work weeks are being cancelled, OPA said, because past experience showed that companies trying to maintain work weeks of such lengths were forced by the rveather to abandon them during the u'inter months. OPA also pointed orrt that onll' a ver) ferv operators now are logging more than 48 hours.
The action with regard to overtime additions is being taken with the approval of tl-re OPA West Coast Log Industry Advisory Committee.
Another pri,cing change for West Coast logs, which be-
(Continued on Page 88)
Rate-$2.50 per Column
For Sale
Band mill of 40M daily capacity and now operating. Present owners having other interests wish to sell their entire holdings, to include sawmill complete, logging equipment, trucks, caterpillars, twelve million feet Sugar Pine, 3 million feet Ponderosa Pine, with options on 50 million feet Douglas Fir adjacent to mill.
Timber is of very high quality, and an examination of records to show past earnings is acceptable.
Suitable financial arrangements with responsible parties, for immediate possession can be arranged, and you will deal only with principals in the transaction.
Address Box C-1061, California Lumber Merchant.
508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14.
Chcnges Allecting Prices oI West Cocst Logs
(Continued from page 86) cornes effective November 25, 1944, is establishment of nerv ceiling prices for short lengths of logs.
The new ceilings for logs of all species other than peeler or wood logs in lengths of less than 12 feet are established as the camp run ceiling price less $1 per 1,000 feet. Previously, such short lengths had to be sold as culls at $1 per 1,000 feet.
In the case of Noble fir lengths of less than lZ feet sold in the Puget Sound district, for instance, the netv ceiling 'rvt uld be the ungraded camp run price of $20 per 1,000 fcet, less gl per 1,000 feet, or gl9 per 1,000 feet.
Purpose of establishment of tl-re new ceiling price is to prevent penalizing a logger for culling out the shorter length logs, rvhich, culled out, u'ould have to be sold at the $l cull price.
For blocks of peeler logs in lengths of less tl.ran 16 feet, the ceiling price continues to lte the standard peeler grade price less $5 per 1,000 feet.
(Amendment No. lB to Revisecl Maximum Price Regulation No. 161-West Coast Logs-effective Nor.ember 25. 1944\.
Appointed Genercl Mcrncrgrer
J. H.Kirkis now general marlager of the Pacific Milling Company, which operates retail many towns in the area from Santa Clara County Barbara County.
Will Reopen Ycrrd
Inch. Minimum Charge $1.50
Sales Manager for Wholesale yard in Los Angeles. Must have Pine and Fir experience, one familiar with Southern California requirements preferred-Hardwood knowledge of value. Must be available January 1, 1945. Give age, experience and reference. Compensation based on ability to produce.
Address Box C-1062, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14.
Lumber Yard Superintendent for Los Angeles yard. Must be familiar with remanufacturing Pine and other West Coast species. Give references, age and experience.
Address Box C-1063, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14.
If you want to sell your yard let us know. We have 'several buyers who are interested in Southern California yards.
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers
801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif. Phone PRospect 8246
Christmas Seats
Southern yards in to Santa
Protect Your Home trom Tuberculosis
H. T. Clark, rvell known Nortl.rern California retail lumberman, announces that his yard, the Clark Lumber Company, Modesto, which has beetr closed sirrcc August, 1942, r,r'ill be reopened.