1 minute read

I €rnalil/nc

Yeso indeed-when building starts agaiD, you can be assured of the universal demand for Bruce Streamline Flmrs-America's modern flooring sensation.

Ilomeowners of tomorrow will not be satisfied with ordinary flmring. They have come to know the rich, beautiful and distinctive appearance of Bruce Streamline Flmrs. Housewives have learned how easy these flmrs are to keep clean-how they retain their natural beauty year after year.

You can count on it-Bruce Streamline Flmre will be a 'omust" for the homee of tomorrow.

fnactesttng Faets About Thcsc

Floots! Bruce Streanline Flmre are scientifically and uniformly fnished at our factory with modern, especially designed machinee. Uncertain on-the-job finishing simply can't produce the eame resulte.

An amazing finish, scientifically applied by Bruce, penetrates deep into the wood pores. This new finish protects the eurface, keepe out dirt, and develops a natural beauty neyer attained in the hardwood floors of the past.

Tesacd. and fread.a. Bruce Streamline Flmrs avoid building delays because they can be walked on the minute they are laid-and cmt no more, frequently less, than ordinary flmrs. The outstanding superiority of Bruce Streamline Floors hae been clearly proved in thousande of homes. They are ready for your postwar needs. Make a thorough investigation of this great improvement in hardwood floors by writing for literature today.


Br:uce Co., Memphls I, Tenn.

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