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It Pays To Advertise

By Jack Dionne

Remember the story oI Joseph in the Old Test-ent? There is a wonderlul crdvertislqS thought to be lound there. Bead it over. You will find recited the glories of the reign oI loseph when he wcs prcrcticclly the ruler of Egypt. All the ecuth knew ol his weclth, his glory, his digmitv, his wisdom, his gnecrUress. From ths tour corners of the world they ccnne, the gnect cmd the necr grrecrl, to do him homcrge.

He wqs the biggest humqn thing in the universe. The babes in the cradle lisped his nsneGreybecrds told-their children thct never belore in history hcrd there been so wise and wonderlul o -otr It would seem thqt he mcde crn impression on the world thcrt surrounded him that would lcsi eternclly; thct the ncme and lanre ol Joseph would never fcrde.

And, right in the midst oI this wondrous recitcrl oI the grecrhess '-d fcnre ol loseph-iust_crs suddenly crs the speed with which Nicgcrc Fclls drops over the precipitous ledge thct turns the river into cr wondrous tclls-iust that suddenly qnd unexpectedly, the Bible scrys TIIIS cbout Joseph:

"And Joseph died, cnd there crose c new king in Egypt thct f,NE\lV NOT IOSEPH." Think ol it! One dcry ttre grecrtest mcn on ecrih. The next dcry-forgotten He hcd gone down into the eternal promiscuity ol the dust, and wcs wiped lrom the memories oI men cs chclk lrom the blcrckbocrd ol life.

And this, decr friends, is whct hcrppens to ihe business thct lcrils to keep up its publicity; fails to keep itseU belore the public eye. One dcry it rides the crest ol the wcrve, its slogcrn on--every tongue, its virtues in evlry mind. The next dcy-lorgotten-Ior cr new king hcs crisen that "knew 'not loseph."

Which remin& me oI cr good connecting story. An cdvertising mcn wcrs trying to sell cr smgll town merchcrnt some cdvertising. The merclrcnt insisted thcrt he diddt need qdvertising, that he had been right there in thcrt scme plcce for twenty yeqrs, thcrt everyone knew him cnd hie store, cnd crll crbout him. Scdd the cdvertising man: *What is that building crcross the corner?" The merchcnt scid it wcrs the Methodist Church. "How long hcs it been there?" asked the cdvertising mcn. "Seventy yearc," replied the merchcnl

"And yet," said the cdvertisins mcn, "['II BET TIIEYSTIIIRINGTIIEBEIIE\IERYSIINDAY."

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