1 minute read
There Will Al,lryAY$ Beil CIIBI$Til[AS
Our right to a beliel in Christ crnd Christmcs was chcrllenged by the Axis. Americq and her Allies hcrve cnrswered thct chqllenge. This Christmqs will be observed in our Americcn homes with cr wistlul prcyer, crnd each of us will send cr silent *MERRY CHRISTMAS" to our loved ones in the services. We will renew our pledge to ccrry on until neither the trecrchery of Tolcyo nor the brutalityol Berlin will ever cgcrin chcllenge our right to sit by the Christmcs fireside crnd sing -
Representing in Southern Ccrlilorniq: The Pcrcilic Lumber Compcrny-Wendling-Ncthcrn Co.