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L-335 Likely to Remain Until After Deleat of Japan

While the demand for lumber continues to exceed supply, War Production Board controls in effect since August 1, have assured the filling of military and important civilian needs, according to the 53rd Quarterly Report of the Lumber Survey Committee. Labor and equipment shortages continue to be the principal obstacles to increased production.

Production of lumber during the second quarter, while nearly 15 per cent above the preceding quarter, was more than 6 per cent lower than in the same period of last year. Consumption during the quarter was approximately 7 per cent greater than production.

Inability to secure heavy-duty truck tires constitutes a growing threat to lumber production. The high priority rating given the industry has not solved this problem, because of the over-all shortage of heavy-duty tires, but it is expected to give some relief.

With attention turning to problems of reconversion as the European war enters what appears to be its final stage, the lumber industry is in a better-than-average position with regard to returning to peace-time production. There will be little physical reconversion and demand for lumber should continue strong.

Although the lumber control order L-335 may be modified after the close of the European war, complete revo-

Sees Need lor 12,600,000 Non-Farm Houses

Construction of 12,600,000 non-farm houses and apartment units will be required in the first post-war decade to meet the needs of American families and to make substantial progress in replacing substandard structures with good homes, according to National Housing Agency estimates.

The estimate was made after careful study and analysiS of available information bearing on the problem, NHA said, and John B. Blandford, Jr., National Housing Administrator, emphasized that the NHA report is "an earnest efiort to judge the size of the nation's housing needs"not an announcement of a program.

To meet the full need in 10 years would entail replacement of all substandard structures and require 16,100,000 units in all, NHA reported, but the conclusions were based on the premise that the replacement job would probably have to be spread over a 2o-year period.

cation before the defeat of Japan is unlikely. .Military cut-backs and needs of U. S. lumber for foreign rehabilitation will determine the amount of lumber available for civilian use. To what extent the industry will be able to meet all demands will depend upon the availability oi equipment and manpower.

ilOW - released for immediate delivery

Roddiscraft Flush Hardwood Doors

HERE is cr veneer flush door thot's built for yeors ol service whether exterior or interior.

Roddiscrolt is c solid core door. Its lcce veneers, crossbonding qnd cores cne welded into o solid unit by o speciol bonding process thct mqkes it obsolutely woterproof. Sides ore secrled with hqrdwood strips' Double hordwood strips ot top ond bottom ollow for fitting cmd hcnging.

. Ecch door is guorcmteed for two yeqrs. Immediqte delivery in rotcny cut unselected birch crnd mctched fqces.

Rudie Henderson, A Real Friend

One of our lumbermen friends advised us that he was talking over the long distance telephone the other day with Rudie Henderson, of the Lone Pine Lumber & Supply Co., Lone Pine, Calif., and Rudie informed him that he had just got back from a snowshoe trip on Mt. Whitney.

His friend, George Palmer Putnam, nationally known writer and publisher, has a home up on the slope of Mt. Whitney at an elevation of 8,500 feet, but he doesn't have a telephone, and when a call comes in for him at Lone Pine Rudie always delivers the message to him, and he in turn comes to town to answer the call. There is plenty of snow on Mt. Whitney at this time of the year, and on this particular trip, Rudie drove as far as he could, then made the rest of the trip on his snowshoes.

Great to have a friend like Rudie.

Home Plcnning Institute Buys Rqdio Time

The Home Planning Institute of the East Bay area with headquarters at 1429 Broadway, Oakland 3, pgrchased radio time on a number of leading radio stations, starting November 28. This was done in order to spread the idea that home ownership at the earliest possible date is desirable and advantageous.

In each case this time was selected in established home economist prog'rams, already favorites with women.

D. N. (Nat) Edwards is chairman of the Institute's promotion and advertising committee.

WiIl Mcrncge Builders Emporium

Jo H. Shepard, who resigned recently as Martinez Lumber Co., Martinez, Calif., has the management of the Builders Emporium, Calif.

Promoted to Lieutenant Senior Grcde

@lV Fong trf tUe Agrd

Into the night, a song, Through the darkness, a radiant light, Guiding the wise men of old, Through the mists and shadows of night; And then in a lowly town, And a shelter meager and bare, A little child in his manger bed And the Magi kneeling in prayer.

Dreams of transcendent beauty, A song and a shining star, These were gifts to the ages, From a region that lies afar; And ever amid life's turmoil, We hear the music still, With its message of love and duty, Peace upon earth and Good Will.

Into the night the music

Of chiming Christmas bells, Whose every silvery cadence

The old, old story tellsThe story we loved in childhood

Of a song and a mystic star, A little child in a manger And the wise men who came from afar.

In each heart lives a vision manager of taken over El Cerrito,

Lieut. E. J. La Franchi, U. S. Navy, received promotion November 1 to the rank of lieutenant, senior grade. He was associated with Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland, when he entered the service, and is now stationed on the island of Peleliu.

TEI.EPITONES Al(niuter 8848 trXminster 5005

Of all that life may be, When the sounds of war are silenced And the world at last is free i And the path of love and duty

Shows clearer to our sight, When the beautiful Song of the Ages Rings out on Christmas Night. A. Merriam Conner.

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